Welcome To My
Anonymous Biography

Greetings Web Traveler! Allow me to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 36 year old white male living in Florida. I am in charge of the computer department for a government agency and for the most part am stuck in the closet for fear of losing my job. (A well founded fear as I have seen others in management fired due to their orientation!) It is for this reason that this is an anonymous biography.

My Anonymous Pix

Warning: This is NOT me in this pix!!
But he IS HOT!!

I enjoy computers (yes, I love my job!), camping, boating, music (mostly rock), my dogs, and being around anyone with a good sense of humor! I like StarTrek (and most other science fiction), photography (video, film and digital), and flying (working on my license). I'm not into the "bar scene" or one-nighters or "plastic people". (I guess that covers both people who think they're god's gift and the inflatable kind!)

I can't remember not being gay and had my first experience when I was 13. I am what most would refer to a "straight acting" and I'm not really into "queen" types. (although I wore out several Queen albums! (You remember albums, don't you? - I'm not that old!)) I usually date guys my age or younger (20 - 35). My perfect guy would have long hair, smooth skin, and look great in a Speedo! (see pix above..... ;-)

Anyway, I plan to add to this bio with more info on my past and what I'm looking forward to in the future, but I've got to build some other pages - keep checking back from time to time and thanks for visiting!!

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