My Friends Page

These are the people who are special to me in my life.  They are my friends and comrades.  Check them out, you will find that I am not wasting my time.....

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Brian C. BiedaFirst off, this is one of my good friends and roommate, Brian Bieda.  Me and Brian haven't been friends for very long but the short time we've been together we have gotten along fabulously.  In March of 99, me and Brian movied in together and I couldn't be more happy.  We are perfect roommates.  The people in the building are awesome and the landlord has been a friend of mine for years.  We already had our first party in the building and it went without a hitch.  I think everyone had a great time and we are planning to have more and more of these little social gatherings.

Brian is still single and is looking for the ideal man (aren't we all).  So if you are interested in him, you can e-mail him by clicking here.

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Dave & DJThis is Dave and D.J.  I have known Dave for almost two years now and D.J. just about a year and I consider each of them a friends.

Dave and D.J. are a blast to go out with, plus both of them have a great sense of humor.    Me and D.J. get along great, probably because we are both Star Trek nuts. 

They currently live in Boystown (how convenient), so I almost never see them.  They usually have a party once every few months, so I see them then and they are always invited to my parties (even though they didn't make the first one - hint, hint).  I know the three of us will have a prosperous friendship into the future.

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Michelle & ShannonThis is Shannon and Michelle.  Shannon is on the left and Michelle is on the right.   When I met these two girls (almost two years ago), they were ex's of two gay friends I have.  Who would of guessed they would get together themselves.  But I guess as they say, it was love at first sight.  They have been dating for a while now and from my perspective couldn't be happier.  I am so happy for them (even if I am still single)

These two live only a few miles away from me and I have seen them a couple of times since I moved to the northwest suburbs and hope to see more and more of them.  They are great girls and great friends.

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Shawn O'ConnellNow, to introduce Shawn......  Shawn and I have been friends for about a year.  I met Shawn through Dave Meekins (above).  Shawn and I have the same birthday, different year.  (He is a year younger than I).  

Shawn attends Western Illinois University out in the boonies (Macomb, IL).  I've been out to see Shawn a few times, but there is never anything to do out there so he usually comes back to Chicago to party down!   Shawn is a great guy.  He is funny, compationate, easy to talk to, and a bitch at times (but aren't we all??).  Here is a picture of Shawn and here is a link to his web site.

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Noah Keller & Brandy GirlThis is me and my girl, Brandy.  Brandy is a true gem of a person.  SHe lives in the far southwest suburbs, so I almost never see her except for a party or a chance meeting.

Brandy is the best female friend I have (she is just one of the guys).  I met Brandy through Dave (above) and I am so happy that I have her in my life.  Since I met Brandy (who was the first lesbian I had ever known), I have a wide range of gay female friends and I love each and every one of them to death!

So, this is my hunny.....Don't we look good together??

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STOPH!This is Chris. He is a friend of mine from Milwaukee. He is a really great friend and confidant.  Chris (Stoph) has been through a lot in the past year but he is getting along fine in Chicago's gay community.

Of course, everyone wants him but only I can have him (j/k). 

We always have a blast together. He is a great friend to talk to and confide in. We talk almost daily....Isn't he great!

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Brian Kanka and his boyfriendThis is Shad and Brian.  Brian has been a very good friend of mine for a few years now.  He lived in a northern suburb of Chicago a while ago and we use to hang out all the time!  Going to the mall, hanging on the LSD, going to the beach, partying in was all a blast!

Brian is in Iowa now with his boyfriend, Shad.  I miss Brian.  We had some good times when he was in Chicago and I miss those times, Brian was a very good friend and confidant.  He makes it to Chicago every so often, I missed him the last time he was here...but you can bet your life that I will not miss him again.  Here, he and Shad are.......   (Brian is on the right)

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David J. Meekins & R. Noah KellerHere is a picture of me and Dave at a party in Chicago.  Dave and I had a falling out just after New Years of '99.  We just grew apart from each other, but it's all good.  Sometimes in your life you need change.  Me and Dave were almost insperable for almost two years.  He was my best friend and I still consider him a friend.

Dave has moved to Florida in March of 99 and I wish him well.  He needs a fresh start on his life and FLORIDA is just the place to do it.   GOOD LUCK BUDDY!  Dave also has a web site.  Here is a link to that site.

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Walter D. BrownThis is Walter Brown.  Me and Walter have been friends for over 2 years.   We met at Chicago's Pride '96 when me and my friends saw him and tried to set me up with him.  Well, to say the least we weren't for each other but we make the best of friends.  The only problem is that Walter doesn't know how to pick up a phone (hint, hint).    We know each other like the back of a hand.   We are very much similiar, and very much different....but we seem to manage a good friendship.  I usually see Walter now at the clubs, bars or parties.  He is dating this great guy named Dennis and I am very happy for them. Good luck guys!

We both work downtown and love it!  I usually see Walter at a party or at the bars. (I think he goes every night!  He knows all the regulars.)  To the left is a pic of Walter and here is a link to his web site:  Walter's Web Site

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Big GirlThis is my buddy, Jim.  Jim is a CRAZY boy!  He knows how to have fun.  And also knows when it is time to play and time to get serious. 

He lives in the city, so I am usually at his place when we go to the bars.  It is a nice change from the burbs. 

Jim is a great guy and also single, so we have fun when we go out and party!

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Me,  Alex,   Shaun,  and Joel at a party

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Joel,      Alex,        Dave,      Me,       and Joe

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A bunch of us at a local DENNY'S after a party  ( can you say HANGOVER )

New Years Party

This is a bunch of us at New Years '98 party  ( A girl, Greg, ME, and Mike )

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