"Oh I get by with a little help from my friends... "--The Beatles

My friends...my extended family...check out their beautiful creative minds...maybe then you'll see why I love them so...(sorry, I know there are some of you out there who aren't on this page...for one reason or another...in any rate...I love you just as much!!!)

Neil's Page...For all you Marlboro H.S. (Marlboro, NJ) alumni...find yourself and your fellow classmates and his other web projects...Come pay respect to the man who taught me everything I know about HTML (not a hell of a lot)...Yay Neil!

Steel & Inks...One very cool guy...wrote to me one day about my page...and now...I want to give him a forum here...For those who enjoy tatoos and piercings...check out James' place!

Hendu...otherwise known as Jeremy...has been my friend and fellow "Loser's Club" member since high school...he's a little odd, but VERY interesting!!!...p.s. dont tell him his page sucks...or suffer the consequences!

Angela's Page...Check out my dear transexual friend and her many political doings...GO ANGELA!!!...PLUS...she gives you all the dirty details of her life and midi files to boot!

Vance Vann Rock & Roll Superman...and awesome in bed (he makes HOUSE CALLS!!!!)...check out this drummer's reality!

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