Nash Mir (Our World) Logo

Andriy Maymulakhin

Let Our World Long Live and Rejoice!

Alas, unfortunately it is not always so. Sometimes there are too strong the evil, the hatred, fanaticism and ignorance. It is badly sick with intolerance, isolation, exclusiveness for others.

But we want to live more joyful, happier, kinder. Now!

Therefore it is necessary to work.

The Project "Informing and Education on Questions of Homosexuality as an Aspect of Democratization of the Society" in Ukraine.

In spite of recent legalization of the homosexual relations and the official recognition of homosexuality as ununhealthy condition, in the society there still remains the incorrect attitude to homosexuals and intolerance, associated to it, in their address. Thus gays and lesbians are afraid "to come out of closet" and to build the life according to their sexual and psychological needs.

Here is present the contradiction with the basic principles of democracy, which proclaim respect of individuality, harmonious development of the person, non-infringement the common to all mankind rights and freedoms, non-oppression of separate public groups, minorities, by the majority.

Our project is a public initiative aimed to unmask the fears and stereotypes which exist in the common person concerning homosexuality and people of homosexual orientation on the one hand, to support socially and psychologically and encourage gays and lesbians, aspiring to push them to integration in the society just as people with certain sexual orientation, and thus to make their life free and high-grade, on the other hand. Our project wants to help to the whole society to understand and to accept with understanding its integral part, and for gays and lesbians thus to be themselves.

The activity of the project consists in:

A) the periodic edition of the objective information about gays' life and various questions connected with homosexuality and

B) aspiration to carry it to as wide as possible circle of the readers. We want especially to underline that it is not propagation of homosexuality at all but a story about it for correct understanding and attitude.

We would note also, that the project is noncommercial and the reception of the profit does not assume. Till now the work has been carried out with enthusiasm of the members of initiative group and with the individual donations. To all who have supported and is supporting our project - thank a lot!

The similar work with the similar purposes but in some other realization is conducted by various groups and individuals in Ukraine. And our activity is all we can do for this common cause.

Information and Enlightening Magazine "Nash Mir" ("Our World")

This edition is a component of the project. "Our World" - because there is the world of ours as people of homosexual orientation here and it is a part of all our world. Besides in Russian the word "mir" means also "peace" - as absence of enmity.

The concept of the edition provides selection of the various, difficult for the many, information concerning homosexuality and various researches in the given area, problem articles, information about gay and lesbian life in Ukraine and through the world, for example - their personal histories, summary of the books, films touching the given theme, bibliographic notes and other materials on social, historical, legal questions.

This edition for the people looking for the information about homosexuality and homosexuals. It can be both gays and lesbians and people, who can meet in line of work with necessity to learn: teachers, social workers, doctors, journalists, and everyone who would like to learn and to know.

Our edition is closer to a mix of the information bulletin and digest and there are a quite few our own articles there. But we did not aim to escape it. Because our magazine is an attempt to accumulate, to group the knowledge which often are scattered in gay editions (not adequate to criteria of general availability), or editions of various public organizations (printed in very small circulation), or not reaching up to our reader/spectator at all. And then, that it is more important from our point of view (edition is not the end itself), to give this information to you.

Please note that the people, who have made this number, are not journalists. And we warn you that it is possible to come across with partially out-of-date (alas, even that we find with big efforts), not enough qualifiedly processed, not so well made out information. Well... We hope in the future... We hope that it will be... We hope that it will be better...

For now we are pleased to the present! So you be!

We would be glad to receive your responses, information, help.

Yours sincerely and best regards,

Andriy Maymulakhin,


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