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Andriy Maymulakhin 



In March, 1998, there is held the election of the Supreme Rada (the Parliament) of Ukraine.

Magazine Our World begins pre-election campaign!

The purpose of our action is to find out the attitude of political parties and some candidates for deputies to the problems of observance of the human rights, concerning the people of homosexual orientation in our country.

We are going to poll potential parliamentarians on the following items:

  1. Do you consider that in Ukrainian society there exists the problem of non-observance of the human rights concerning gays both lesbians, taking into account such facts as: existing in public consciousness homophobia; openly shown in life intolerance to homosexuality and homosexuals; absence of measures, preventing the facts of the insult, in the legislation; a humiliations on this ground?
  2. Do you consider that it is especially necessary to protect the social group, gays and lesbians, from oppression? For example, with special anti-discrimination law, forbidding any oppression, restriction of the rights and freedom, insult of the person by another person or public organization, based on sexual orientation of the first one.
  3. Do you consider that it is necessary to introduce the institution of partnership, permitting the conclusion of civil unions for same- gender couples, with granting to such couples the civil and property rights of heterosexual families such as, for example, right on the common property, inheritance etc.?
  4. Will you actively act for equal social, legal, economic, family etc. rights for all citizens of Ukraine, including the people of homosexual orientation?
With results of the research we shall offer to our readers the list of political parties, associations, candidates for deputies that:

The results of the polling of the candidates for deputies of the Supreme Rada (the Parliament) of Ukraine and its analysis

To find out the opinion of the people who will come tomorrow to the supreme body of legislative authority of Ukraine on observance of the human rights concerning the people of homosexual orientation in our country, we carried out in February a mail polling. The questions (see Our World No. 3) together with the last number of a magazine were dispatched to all 40 political parties included in ballots and independent candidates in three one-mandatory constituencies (No. 103, 106, 110)- altogether to 54 candidates.

In result we have received the following:

All the political parties as well as absolute majority of the independent candidates in the polled constituencies have ignored our questions.

But, as it is known, the negative result is a result too. Now it is possible to say with assurance that:

  1. In the absolute majority future elected representatives consider that a problem of non-observance of the human rights related gays and lesbians in the Ukrainian society does not exist. The norm is homophobia in public consciousness, the opened intolerance to homosexuality and homosexuals shown in a life, insults and humiliation of a person on this ground.
  2. Nobody in the Ukrainian Parliament will act for the equal social, legal, economic, family etc. rights for all citizens of Ukraine, including people of homosexual orientation.
But main conclusion:


Certainly it is necessary to notice that the ignoring of our polling is most likely a fear to touch a theme of homosexuality at all. It is better not to name words "gay", "queer", lest, God forbid, not to be numbered among them by someone's malicious lips.

Nevertheless in dead silence of the contenders for future legislators there were exceptions.

In the beginning about the first - a little bit amusing.

An excited candidate in the deputies has called in editorial office - I wilt not name him - and there took place approximately such dialogue between us (I am citing a fragment):

The candidate for the Ukrainian deputies: (having greeted and presented) And why have you sent it just to me?

The editor: No, not only to you. We dispatched the similar letters to all candidates in three constituencies.

The candidate: Ah! 'Cause I have already thought there was some directing...

The editor: (I have calmed him in this respect)

The candidate: Well, what can I tell you? Before I never came across this problem. Yes, I heard something... in France... I think that there are different people. Someone takes a great interest in fishing, someone collects mushrooms, someone collects stamps. And if it does not harm those around, let each be engaged in that he wants...

Well, after our conversation I still had the mixed feeling. On the one hand a person pretending being engaged in the big policy is illiterate on the theme of personal sexuality and various its displays - an important theme, if you are going to supervise over people, to operate people. But on the other, he still has a tolerance and a simple everyday wisdom. Once he also experienced the misunderstanding of the society and the pressure connected to it. So I hope that this person wilt not bring harm to another, at least in ordinary relations.

I asked the candidate to express his thoughts in writing and send it to the editor, that he has agreed to, but unfortunately we have never received anything.

Fortunately, there was also the second exception, which really has pleased us. We have received an answer from another candidate who really have shown the actual understanding of the nature of human rights and freedom.
To such person for the decision of state affairs I will give the vote.


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