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All-russia gay movement: does it exist?

Let’s give a forthright answer to this question. It is not creating a stir today. It is not visible in the streets as marches, not discussed at diverse hang-outs, though mentioned on and off among pals. Gay community seems inhibited to pose it openly, for the state of affairs appears to be utterly simple and evident: an organized All-Russia gay movement, as one united force, capable of single-minded, constant and effective actions pursued on a big scale, does not exist. At some time( late 80s - early 90s), before the monstrous article 121 of the Criminal Code enacting punishment for mutually agreed homosexual contacts was abolished, it is the struggle with this savage law that had seemed to be a goal. And the major thing - there were the sprouts, if week and scattered all around the country, naive and hopeful, but sprouts of the future movement that had been developing out of the real demands of gays and lesbians for organized all-nation actions. Those were the conferences, seminars, festivals, anti-AIDS measures, clubs, discos, and of special importance - the first gay paper «Theme» came into being. Attempts were made to host All-Russia conferences, to create All-Russia organizations, to prepare documents of uniting nature, to find a national leader (or a group of leaders) able of heading the unified movement. But... We are calling out into the emptiness: where are you?! No answer.

Often you hear the explanation which sounds importunate at times - the reason is the lack of money. Russian gays and lesbians in their overwhelming majority are needy and penniless, just as the major part of our population as a whole. It’s true. But it’s only partly true.

First, it is known that gays and lesbians from other counties tried to lend us a hand: with finances, equipment and know-how. It is to be underlined that this help was quite modest and did not suppress our own initiative. It just gave us an impetus. And how did those who were at the head of the feast dispose of all these grants, gifts and donations? It’s hardly likely that all of that was used in a smart way and for the cause of gays.

Second, we are needy! But for the cause that is good and noble Russian money, knowledge and hands could have been found. In the face of any adversity a Russian person is willing to give away his last money for well-thought actions satisfying the needs of the main part of the gay community.

Of principle is the problem of ring-leaders. Not everyone who called himself or was called a leader was a genuine leader or a wise person. Those were different people motivated by different things. Some of them were ready to oppose any authoritative power, any violence. For them, gay-revolutionaries, action is everything and result is nothing. Hurling sharp and harsh words into the society, they viewed themselves as sufferers and saints. Others, mostly those who were far from the capital city fuss, faithful and whole-hearted, were willing to sacrifice themselves and their own well-being for the sake of worthy existence of gays and lesbians. What kind of a leader is needed now? An adherent of law rather than an anarchist. He pursues his battle within the framework of the existing social system, legislation and Constitution.

Tasks have changed considerably nowadays. The time of creation has taken over from the time of destruction. Sexual fanatism must be absolutely rejected - our society will not get converted into sexual minority, so it should not be scandalized with harsh statements form the name of the gay community as a whole. Rightfully condemning the society for its negative attitude toward gay folks we often do display tactlessness and lack of patience. Our radicalism is rooted in bolshevism as a world outlook and psychology. Radicalism, being an inevitable factor at the initial stage of our movement’s development, turned out to be a complete failure. But the same with romantism and shocking adventurism - those should be replaced with persevering and prolonged construction of new relations between the society and homosexuals while taking into account the reality and constantly transforming it. For we live in Russia where roots of state and social homophoby are far too deep and where opposing forces are varied, but to reduce everything to homophoby is to notably simplify the social situation.

What could be the basis of our common activity? ·

To be guided by universal democratic principles found in the Human Rights Declaration adopted by the UNO as far back as in 1948, on December 10. ·

To be aware of the fact that formation of gay movement has its own peculiarities in each and every country - it is especially true of contemporary Russia with its huge diversity of historic, social, cultural, economic, geographic, religious, national and other conditions. ·

To thoroughly think over the concept of gay movement. The emphasis should be put on real and achievable tasks: providing information to the society and its education; coordination of the activity of regional organizations; specific support of the most vulnerable groups in gay community ( those with HIV-infection and disability, elder ones, prisoners, people in particularly unfavorable conditions, as migrants etc.); inquiry into the position of gays and lesbians in Russia; training of the leaders of the movement themselves, especially those living in remote areas. ·

To take into consideration the experience of colleagues from other countries, bearing in mind the prime thing: successes in promotion of gays’ and lesbians’ rights and freedoms were achieved at the cost of big efforts even in the Western democratic countries - USA, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and others. For the institutes of democracy, born at different places 100 or 200 or more years back, do not guarantee rights and liberties of sexual minority by themselves. Those are to be gained through the struggle.

Gays and lesbians can only have a worthy life in the democratic society, and it cannot be built for us and without us.

Information bulletin of the Russian organization GenderDoc


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