Running Free!

Happy New Millennium!

May it bring a time of true freedom!

Greetings from Wheaton, Illinois. I've had a page here since May 1997 but it needed refreshing. Frankly, I destroyed it while downloading IE 5.01 and editing at the same time! So, even though this is a forced reconstruction, I want to say somthing new.

My old page was about "running, biking and staying fit". I still do those things but my interests have expanded into computers and digital photography. My old page was created on Web TV. Now I have a Pentium III. I used to load film into a camera, take 24 photos over several months and then take them to Target for next day developing. Now, I use my Nikon CP950 to store photos on a CF card and instantly upload them to my PC for viewing and editing.

I love guys, especially cute guys who work out all the time and don't mind taken their shirt off the first warm Spring day! See my pic of Jason Mamoa below. It's PG but he's a hot hunk!

Links to other sites on the Web

My photo
Jason... a gorgeous guy
My Gay Manifesto

My new visitor countercounting from May 1997!

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