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Kuwaiti flag
Disclaimer: This information on the situation of homosexuals all over the world may not be completely accurate or up-to-date. The information is gathered on the Internet and in other publications. If you have any additional information, corrections, comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me at 

Updated 99-02-14

Information on the situation for homosexuals in Kuwait:


Homosexuality is strictly forbidden in Kuwait, and may result in the death penalty. Kuwaiti law is strongly influenced by the extreme muslim sharia laws. Foreign gays living in Kuwait have been arrested and deported. A university professor faced a lot of controversy for discussing lesbianism in 1998, but she still teaches according to information I have received.

In spite of the harsh laws of Kuwait, homosexuality can be quite open, and cruising for sex is quite common, especially among men. Even straight men cruise for gay sex, as the possibility of pre-marital sex with a woman is slim. It all seems to be a matter of who you talk to, where you go and how you act. Many hotels will reportedly tolerate bringing a man to the room, whereas a woman guest is unthinkable.

Extreme caution is advised in the beginning.

Kuwait is one of the world's richest countries, ruled in practice by one family, the Sabah's. The ruling emir enjoys near-absolute power. Kuwait, an Iraqi ally during the Iran-Iraq war of the 80's, was occupied by Iraq from August 2, 1990 until the Gulf War liberation in late February 1991. On November 10, 1994 the Iraqi president Saddam Hussein officially recognized Kuwait's sovereignty and its borders.

If you have any further information on the current situation in Kuwait, please contact me.

Age of consent Male-Female Male-Male Female-Female
Kuwait None/Marriage X X
Homosexuality is strictly forbidden, even discussing it may have consequences. Pornography is illegal.
Heterosexual sex is only permitted within marriage.

Further information on the situation in Kuwait can be found at:

Jammy72's Gay Guide to Kuwait

Punishment of Filipino gays in Kuwait


Kuwait Basic Information (personal page by Saud Gh. Al-Hajeri)


Sheikhdom, Asia
Area: 17,818 km²
Population: 1.58 mill.
Capital: Kuwait City
Currency: dinar
National Holiday: Feb. 25

ISO 3166 Internet Country Code(s):
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