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Lao People's Democratic Republic

Lao flag
Disclaimer: This information on the situation of homosexuals all over the world may not be completely accurate or up-to-date. The information is gathered on the Internet and in other publications. If you have any additional information, corrections, comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me at 

Updated 98-12-15

Information on the situation for homosexuals in Laos:


Homosexuality is illegal in Laos. It is considered an offence against traditional customs. As late as in the 1980's, there are reports of internment of gays in re-education camps.

Traditional south-east Asian culture, however, often recognized three genders, man, woman, and a bit of both (transvestite/transsexual). This was considered natural and pre-determined from birth. The occurrence of masculine gay men not dressing as transvestites was not as much socially accepted, though. In Laos you will not find open gays like in neighbouring Thailand. This is probably the result of the influence of western (French/European) culture in Laos during the colony era, whereas Thailand stayed independent.

If you have any further information on the current situation in Laos, please contact me

Age of consent Male-Female Male-Male Female-Female
Laos ? X X
Homosexuality is illegal in Laos.
No information on the heterosexual age of consent was found.

Further information on the situation in Laos can be found at:

Utopia: Laos Gay Resources and Travel Tips


My Travel in Laos - excellent site, lots of private photos and sounds!

Asiatour travel guide to Laos

Lonely Planet - Destination Laos

Laos Information


Republic, Asia
Area: 236,800 km²
Population: 4.6 mill.
Capital: Vientiane
Currency: new kip
National Holiday: Dec. 2

ISO 3166 Internet Country Code(s):
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