There are so many things I want to say to you and so many things I want to ask... It's so hard to make sense of the things I feel... Last week you wrote "I thank God and I thank you for giving me another chance at being your friend". But I never got the chance to really show you the friend I wanted to be. I keep on thinking back to that last hug... We promised each other not to let anyone get in the way of our friendship. I want you to remember that I trust that we both know everything we've been through and how we truly feel for each other. I need to remind myself of that, perhaps now more than ever. It's funny how you said you'd forever think of me as your close friend but I never expected the meaning of forever to change like this. In the end it doesnt' change anything though, nothing at all.
     Hmm you left us all so confused with so many questions, not knowing what to do wiht ourselves. It's hard to move on and it's hard to get back up. At times i'm so angry with you for not having known better and for not having known how much we loved you. But I know that you're still wiht me and that you can see my pain. For all the times you doubted my feelings toward you, I hope that you'll never need to doubt again. Jason, I did care for you so much and it hurts so very much just to know that you're not there anymore. But for all times, you'll have your place in my heart and that's where I"ll keep all the memories we share, just the two of us...     
     As the days go by, I guess it gets a little bit easier to smile again. After all, I know that one of the things that made you happy was my dorkiness, so i'll try my best to be strong for you and for myself.
I love you Jason.

Haha we have so many memories~
I'll always cherish them =)

Chair & Floor Secretary --> ooh scandalous~! hehe * Coughdrops * I can talk now! * "He's ALRIGHT" =P * Breakouts * Crazie fone bills * Measuring our fingers * Prom clothes * webcam chats * Being fidgety * "Pre-love" -- I may not have said it then, but Jason I do love you * black thong ^^ * Elfness* taking pictures of our outfits * AquaDiGio&Kenzo * me invading ISB * Nu Flava - Heaven * candles * smoking >.< * ur online pet * all night long phone call * eye bumps * cherishing the honesty *  4 Jason's * cOnFuSiOn * finding hotels fer yOu~! ^^ * ur bitterness * non-stop eating * frivolous notes * online HUGs * Will the floor secretary please approach the chair :) * Long talkz & many hugs * sliding off chairs * ONLI we kno wat we've been thru & wat we mean 2 each other, rite? *
"Rage, Sing, Laugh, Dance, Sing, Sob; but LIVE. And Jason lives."
To all my friends and those who knew him the best - be strong...
Ben, Jasper, Tim, Justin, Vanessa, Amy, Jenny, Jessica, Cara, Somoh, Jin Young, Lillian, Yin-Yin, Wenny, Grace... I wish I could be with you to share our memories and be there for you...Lub yoo so much~