A irheads - (ppl, not candy) everythin would be so borin w/out them! n all gurlz hab a lil bit of airheadiness in em, or else they wouldn't be gurlz~ ;)
B lue Mountain Cards- argh why did they have to start charging!
C orniness - like the core of your knee if you're a green giant [Scottage] cheesiness is kool too... sometimes!
D rama - Hahaha mmm much excitement & frustration but funny at the same time.. u hab to admit my life is settling down tho... well....almost
E ating - Diets suck~ food rulz, esp meaty fatty stuff ;P
F alafels - actually they're not DAT great but we had a lot oF FUn Finding them
G od - for blessing us w/ everythin even when we dunn deserve anythin at all
H ugs - they make u feel all warm n fuzzie inside... i think ppl should hug more often!
I SB - yea yea don't think too highly of urselves
J P- Journalism Pamily: all da memz+talkz+gamez+laughz
K enzo - da perfume i wear... mike choe'z obsessed w/ kenzo, iss so~ funnie =) (remember history class? ^^)
L aughing - havin stuff to laugh at n ppl to laugh w/ makez everyday worth goin through...
M afia - haha so much fun - Varsity all conference team~
N oodles- *slurp*
O ptimistic Ppl- Life is wut u make it so y not make da best of it?
P eter- =)
Q uarterback Crunch - Love Me and Shooting Star are also good flavors, n icecream is THE ultimate cure to PMS and feeling-down-days
R oses - Flowers make ppl so happie
S oup in the middle of the night - so soothing~ esp when it's 3 am and u have 3 hrs left to finish an essay u just started [and namz, this one's 4 u: Scrawny guys!!!]
T alking - sittin round n talkin bout anythin n everythin is one of da best thingz u can do *guyz never understand this* ^^
U nique ppl n things- lyf would be pretty daymn borin if everyhtin was da same... "dare to be different" haha
V necks - on guys muheehee ^^;
W eird persons - yay always make me laugh - i miss the isb weird ppl crew . Normal ppl don't understand!
X Men - No I'm just kidding
Y upperz - thankerz, okerz, muchioz.. i'm so weirdio always using funky words...
Z ebu - it's just a funnie word! zebooooooh~
A llnighters- sleep is so much better
B ugs - they're everywhere n they're so creepy n crawly n yucky
C ramps - no comment >.<
D emented pinky toes - esp when they come without warning! hahah just kidding ^^
E xercising - I'm a lazy gurl n i dunn like to move more than necessary =)
F ull Stomachs- that means I don't get to eat any more
G eeks - like joanne who only study and never come out and play w/ us x( hehe u kno i lub u~
H omework - skool is acutally not bad, i hab fun in skool, but i HATE WORK! i wish we culd stay in hs a lil longer, just without da hw
I See - such a conversation killer
J elly Beans - There are some NASTY flavors... like Pina Colada and Butter Popcorn - nastiness
K hakis - they're kool but ppl alwayz make fun of me cuz i dunn hab any ^^
L indstroem- stupid letter O: [rotate 90 degrees to the left] doesn't exist in the english alphabet... makes life hella confusing for meeh
M ondays - they NEVER end and they mark da beginning to a LONG week of skool ><
N ightmares - they make you feel liek sh!t when you wake up >.< I can never go back to sleep either !@^%!#&
O ld bitter men - haha just kidding namjou!
P MS - it's just yucky n sticky n aowie n a big pain in da @$$ *sorrie boyz, too much info ><* JP Gurlz: remember dat one class when Scotty was sayin it's all psychological? I'll neva forgib him for dat ^^
Q ueer Ppl - like Brian. muhahaha
R omantic Comedies - not good for bitter people, let us all use Nam Hee AND ME as an example
S hinsa at night - It is MAD scary to walk home~ Miss Bundang at tyms lyk dat hehe
T aking care of drunk ppl- drinking in itself is all good but i HATE ppl go way~ past their limit n ruin da whole mood n make everyone focus on takin care of em... n den da next mornin they dunn remember jack n get mad at u cuz dey dunn understand y we hab to care.
U nderwear on top of clothes - eesh! those dares... imma get u guyz!
V accuum cleaners - in the morning while ur still sleeping
W ater - scares me cuz u dunno wuts under da surface~ n i don't like 2 swim either ^^
Y ellow Candies - they're so sour and they don't even taste good! no one ever wants them, i think companies should just stop making yellow candies!
Z its - they're just... unattractive ><