Pussy runs
Doggie Runs

About Me...


I need...


Have a b/f named Jason who I adore, Smoke, Drink and like to Party. Im a down to earth guy who likes people until given a reason not to.
Im honest, loving, very affectionate. I'm a loyal person with lots of good friends


Hanging out with friends, going clubbing, going to movies, travelling, Roller blading, hockey, baseball, going out for dinner, going to the beach, chatting with people on the net, meeting new people, cuddling with my baby, Jason and im open minded and willing to try almost anything


My boyfriend Jason....Toronto Mapleleafs, Toronto Bluejays, Food, my friends, Sleeping, helping people with stuff, People who are loyal and fun to be with, People, meeting new people, travelling, talking on the phone, stuffed animals, The winter, when it rains, staying up late, dogs, hockey, sports, cute guys, All kinds of animals, the beach, swimming, the waterfront. anywhere there is a body of water, movies,Being alive, having a job, money, People with with really nice houses or appartments, kitchens, cooking, shopping, Montreal


people who are rude, people who are judgemental, people with big egos, people who put others down just to make themself feel better, Racism, discrimination of any kind, violence, war, argueing with people, People who don't like me for no reason or because the might have heard something from someone else who doesnt like me, jealous people, insects, People who don't listen to what I have to say, People who do not act themself to be liked by others, ignorence, People who play headgames, my appartment, messes, dirt, people who don't shower, people who smell bad. .

About my b/f Jason....

Jason, isnt he so cute?

My Page for Jason

Favorite Things

My Favorite Cds

  1. Dido - No Angel
  2. Sarah McLachlan - The Remixes
  3. Tori Amos - The Choirgirl hotel
  4. Tori Amos - To Venus and Back
  5. Shania Twain - Come On Over
  6. Nelly Furtado - Whoa Nelly!
  7. Mel C - I'll Turn to you
  8. Mel C - Northern Star
  9. Pink - Can't take me home
  10. Jann Arden - Blood Red Cherry
  11. Madonna - Music
  12. Lorena McKennitt - The Visit
  13. Enya - Paint the Sky with Stars
  14. Everything but the girl - Amplified Heart
  15. Sarah McLachlan - Fumbling Towards Ectasy
  16. Savage Garden - Savage Garden
  17. Sophie B. Hawkins - Whaler
  18. Chantal Kreviazuk - Under these Rocks and Stones
  19. Sarah Brightman - Time to Say Goodbye
  20. Jann Arden - Happy

My Favorite Songs


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Last updated by HyPeRbOyAlAn on February 25/2001 ©2001