Well, I went out Monday 2/14/2000 to run some errands. It was really nice about 52 degrees F. I went to the post office and stopped by the Liberty Bell pavilion. No one at either place said a word about my barefeet. A fellow Barefooter had mentioned it would be cool if i took a photo of myself next to the Liberty Bell. I actually had to get someone else to take it though. The darn digital camera took a very dark photo, so i lost some detail trying to lighten it.

I had a few comments on the street, however. One woman said "You better be careful, walking without shoes!" I just said "I am." A homeless person [man] asked me for a quarter and then said "Where are your shoes?" I had them in my back pack in case i needed them, so i just pointed to it. Actually i am not sure he is a homeless person, but he hangs out in front of a 'Check Cashing' establishment panhandling almost every day. It only goes to prove that people like us, choose to go barefoot and it is not an economic thing. I had a few other comments on the street, but i can't remember what they were.

All in all, it was a nice walk and gave me a chance to toughen up my soles.