Someone in the DSS suggested that all barefooters should have regular Tetanus booster shots, and i knew it had been too many years since my last one, so i saw my Doctor [2/16/2000] for a complete physical, blood work up and to get my booster shot. I did wear moccasins to the office [at 12th and Locust Street], i wanted my Dr. to see how my 'clean' feet were looking [had been treating them for athlete's foot]. I did pack my moccasins into my backpack. After the Doctors appointment and proceeded to go barefoot for the rest of the afternoon. I went over to Walnut St. to the Subway sandwich shop and had a light turkey sandwich. They either didn't notice or just ignore that i was barefoot. I then headed over to South St. to check out DVDs that might be marked down at Tower Records. A woman supervisor dashed across the store to tell me i could not shop there barefoot. Bummer! I tried to get her to tell me their policy exactly, but she just kept repeating i had to leave. She did say "we can't allow roller-bladers in here". Then she went on to say "what if you drop something on your foot" , but i suggested that the same thing could happen if i were wearing sandals. She seemed completely unreasoning. There is a big difference between roller-bladers and some one who is sure footed but barefooted.

I guess i must have walked about 24 blocks altogether. I must admit all the cement, stone and asphalt started to cause me some fatigue. I stopped into the local convenience store to get some seltzer for my lover and myself, but they are used to me being BF. They have never refused me service and actually have never even said a word about it.

By the way, i did attend a benefit at the a local leather/levi bar [Held on their 3rd floor, closed to the public]. It was too cold to walk there, but when i got there i did go barefoot. The owner did not notice and i was not asked to put on my shoes until i left the third floor. It was cool being BF during this event. It was a security man who suggested i put my shoes on before i went down to the main floor. I think they do that because they don't want people to injure themselves. It is not a 'public' health issue, as i well know. They seem consumed with the idea of litigation if someone injures themselves. That is my theory. I can understand their point of view, but disagree with it.