

Some of my Photos

When i shoot a subject i usually takes a series of photos in the hope that one or two will be useable. Here are a couple shots I took for the 'Philadelphia Gay News'. They used one of the other shots i took at the same shootings. They own all the photos, they used, but I own these.


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Do I have to tell you who this is ? Maybe the autograph will help.

That really is his autograph.

Photo by Joey Blue Apr. 29, 1984

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This photo, at the front of the 1987 'Gay Pride Parade', was taken during the moment of silence for those who have died because of AIDS. Some of you might recognize the, then, mayor of NYC.

Photo by Joey Blue June 1987

I will include some photos I didn't take for the 'Philadelphia Gay News'; the ones that I took for myself. I may also drop these after a month or two and put up others to save space.

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Counter added on Nov. 22, 1997.