The plans to make major changes to buildings under Government Services Administration were all going forward October 31, 2002 because available funds were appropriated by a Senator in this fiscal year. The fact that the plans to "earthquake proof" the Post Office and then ensure it impenetrable to possible assassins is circumvented by a new Oregon law that buildings housing judges and courts were required to have parking lots beneath. A hole will go into one of the historic walls to accommodate an underground garage. Considering the car bombs in garages this will make the building less secure, not more. GSA has wanted to use an historic building as a test for an experimental process of base isolation for earthquake protection to prove it works. It is our opinion that if the Government wishes to test an experimental project of "earthquake proofing" they should select a building that is not as solidly constructed and one that is truly at risk of falling in the event of an earthquake and not one that has stood securely for a century and a half. However the good news is there has been an extension. The Post Office does not have to move out until January 31, 2003. This means closing down and packing up process at the PO is in the heaviest seasonal postal use, the holidays. The US Senators have all changed their positions to agreeing with the citizens. The one Congressman, David Wu, who was a strong supporter of GSA has also switched but only to a no opinion stance. Write to The Hon. David Wu, either at his Oregon office or at the Washington DC Congressional office to get change his position to agree with the citizens. No one living in the area of the Post Office is in favor of the GSA plan. Congressman Wu is the Representative for the district in which the building is located. It is crucial that he understand the public is opposed to the new change that would destroy an historic building and inconvenience hundreds who use the Post Office in that location.
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Copyright Mullett-Smith Press, updated November 2002