
For too long we have been told we must hide our homosexuality. We have been asked to live a lie. We have been forced to live double lives. We have been told by our homophobic society to deny who we really are and whom we love. We have lived with enourmous fear - fear for our rights; fear for our jobs; fear of the loss of those we care about; and, at times, fear for our lives. Coming out is a step towards greater integration in our lives. It is a testing of our fears and our paranoias about personal rejection. It leads us towards fuller and more honest and satisfying relationships with those around us. Coming out will not solve all our problems; indeed it can create new ones. But coming out offers to many of us a greater sense of reality about the loves, fears and relationships in our lives.

Those who have come out, in whatever ways and to whatever degree, have generally experienced a great sense of relief and increased self-esteem through sharing the 'secret' of their sexual orientation. This fact is documented in a growing number of personal accounts written by lesbians and gay men and in studies carried out by professional researchers.

The Process of Coming Out

Coming out of the closet is an ongoing issue in the life of virtually every gay person. There are many stages in the process, and most of us embark on that process time and time again. It is not simply telling one's parents, joining a gay organization, having a lesbian or gay love affair or moving to the gay 'ghetto' in a large city. Coming out has to do with the way we perceive ourselves, with how we deal with our sexualities, how we structure our lives and how we present ourselves and our loved ones to our families, to our friends and to the world. It is a life long process, in which we constantly deal with the acceptance and integration of our gayness within a partially repressive and hostile society.

For some gay men and lesbians the process of coming out is a relatively easy one - there never is any great difficulty in recognizing or accepting homosexual feelings. For many others of us the process in its initial stages is often more painful. We may struggle with great difficulty for a long time before we are able to affirm ourselves as gay people, to say nothing of sharing that fact with those whom we love.

We live in a society in which we have been consistently indoctrinated with the worst myths, fears and stereotypes about homosexuality. We were consistently told as young people that it is not good to be gay. Indeed our society is structured in a way which often assumes that everyone both is, and ought to be, heterosexual. Within such a context it is not surprising that many people - be they old or young - have experienced the gravest difficulty in accepting their homosexual feelings or orientation. The guilt has been unwarranted. The pain cannot be justified. The occasional suicides represent a tragic fact. The homophobia which so affects the feelings and behaviour of non-gays towards us has a very damaging effect upon the ways we may perceive ourselves.

The process of recognizing and accepting one's gayness can be a very lonely experience, but it is becoming easier for us to accept our feelings and our gay or lesbian identities. We can see our sexuality as a positive and joyful part of our lives. We can see the injustices we face and the immorality of failing to tell young people the truth about homosexuality.

The Stages of Coming Out

There are a number of stages in the coming out process. The first step is acceptance, which presupposes the recognistion of being homosexual. You say to yourself, as one lesbian put it I always knew I was different, and this was it.

Coming to have positive feelings about one's homosexuality is an essential part of the coming out process. Until one feels good about being gay, it makes little sense to share the fact of one's sexual orientation with others (unless they are very clearly friends or helping professionals who are prepared to assist you towards greater self-acceptance). The person who says to a parent, friend or employer, I have something horible to tell you about myself is not coming out. She or he is seeking pity or revealing self hatred.

Celebration comes next, as you begin to co-ordinate your feelings and desires with your place in society and to feel good about yourself. Celebration is when you are happy to be you. Celebration is saying This is who I am, and I am going to enjoy it!.

The next stage in the coming out process is sharing the fact of your sexual orientation with others. This goes hand in hand with the integration of your sexuality with the rest of your life and conciousness. Most individuals consider their sex life, including their sexual orientation, to be a very personal matter which they do not want to discuss with all and sundry. But among heterosexuals, by social convention, while detail of sex practices are kept private, relationships are openly acknowledged and celebrated; wedding bands are exchanged, shared activities are described, joint invitations are given and received. This kind of public acknowledgement gives support and pleasure to the couple. This is the kind of public acknowledgement which gay couples also need and want.

The steps are not always taken in this order. The process is not always a smooth and easy one. As one gay man said, I seem to take two steps forward and one step back sometimes. I get scared, occasionally.

The final step in coming out, after other other gay people, family and friends are told, is the general feeling that I dont care who knows. I'll come out to the world!. Sometimes this is done by wearing buttons or T-shirts with gay slogans, sometimes by exaggerated, overtly gay behaviour. But, most often, secure and confident gay men and women let the world know by just living their normal lives and no lying any more.

An educational rationale for Coming Out.

Coming out is undoubtably the most effective educational tool available to gay people as we try to change people's attitudes about homsexuality. In recent years, excellent books improved media coverage, visible lesbian and gay celebrities and more supportive attitudes from most mental health professionals and many religious leaders have lead to greater acceptance of gay people within Canadian society. But homophobic myths, fears, and stereotypes continue to receive widespread expression in our homes and workplaces, on our streets, in the courts and at the polls. The powerful threat of homophobia has not yet gone away. The educational task which lies ahead for us is a massive one.

Several recent polls have indicated that support for gay rights is far more likely to come from those non-gays who know someone gay, than those who do not. As gay people, we are indeed aware that we are everywhere. But our relative invisibility allows countless Canadians to overlook us; to tell cruel jokes about us; to assume no ordinary person is gay; and to believe that they do not know or love a gay man or lesbian. Each time even one gay person comes out to a heterosexual, their world view is challenged, their fears about homosexuality are confronted and their level of understanding is raised. The awareness that a loved or respected friend is gay often has a profound effect on the non-gay persons' willingness to re-examine thier ideas, attitudes and feelings about our lives and our rights.

This is not, however, an invitation to every gay person to come out to everyone under any circumstances. At the present time that is an unrealistic challenge. Ill-timed or unplanned revelations about one's sexual orientation can result in unempolyment, disinheritance or personal rejection. Nevertheless, thousands of gay men and lesbians can testify that the experience of coming out to selected relatives, friends and coworkers has been a postive one.

Some Suggestions for Coming Out to Parents, Relatives and Straight Friends.

When you do begin to come out to non-gay people, your experiences will probably vary. Sometimes it will go well. Occasionally a relationship will be terminated abruptly or will fade away unexpectedly. From the experiences of many gay men, lesbians and bisexuals, their parents and friends, we offer a number of suggestions about coming out. You need to evaluate these suggestions in the light of your own personal situation and needs.


In this leaflet we have discussed the educational implications of "coming out" for the non-gay recipients of that information. Coming out also involves our standing up and being counted. Individuals who are struggling to accept their own gay identities have increasingly diverse and visible role models. Stereotypes become less and less convincing as more of us stand out in the crowd. The gay, lesbian and bisexual community, as its numbers become more visible, cannot and will not be written off as as a small and freakish sector of Canadian society. Already political leaders in a number of cities have indicated that they see and hear us and desire our votes. Our visibility has moved us closer to the protection of our human rights: the right to fair and equal treatment in our jobs and housing; the right to be ourselves; the right to love whomever we choose; the right to speak the truth; and ultimately the right to live in a free country without fear.


The number of excellent books by and about gay men, lesbians and bisexuals continues to grow. The following are but a few of the publications which you may find helpful as you deal with "coming out" issues:

This pamphlet was modified from:
Coming Out R. Adam De Baugh, Metropolitan Community Church
About Coming Out National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
About coming out Gays for equality, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

If you want further help with the thorny issues surrounding the coming out issue you can call a trained volunteer at Fredericton's Gayline on 457-2156 Monday or Thursdays 6:30 to 8:30pm. All calls are strictly confidential.

[This pamphlet is one of a series produced by Fredericton Lesbians and Gays - for more information, or copies of other pamphlets in this series, contact FLAG, P. O. Box 1556, Station A, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5G2]
Last updated 4.1.1996 by James Whitehead