Gemini Loving Libra

The Gemini/Libra combination is generally a harmonious one. Both signs are air signs, so these women share a common concern with mental objectivity and the free and open exchange of ideas. Both women try to establish harmony by discussing things from a lofty and intellectual point of view. Both women will enjoy the clear, open communication that takes place between them. The Gemini brings the ability to clearly categorize and analyze whatever is going on. The Libra brings a delicate sensitivity to the balance between two people, and a well-developed sense of how to compromise and take the other person's point of view into consideration.

These two women are always able to talk together effectively. Neither enjoys strong displays of emotion and each feels most comfortable when an atmosphere of friendly but also cool objectivity prevails. The problems that arise between them should be fairly easy to resolve. Both women are eager to discuss their differences freely and find a common ground. When these two do disagree, their problem usually stems from the subtle way these two signs differ. The Gemini woman, with her sharp, incisive, analytical mind, tends to enjoy taking things apart in a cool, detached way. To the sensitive Libran with her warmth and sympathy for another person's position, the approach of the Gemini may seem a little cold-blooded. She may feel that the Gemini woman fails to take the rational into consideration in her approach to people and situations. The Gemini sometimes finds her Libra partner too wrapped up in concerns about what other people think and feel, rather than with what is. She may feel that the Libran sometimes allows her desire to please to compromise her reaction to situations.

Obviously, each woman has much to offer the other. The Gemini can give her Libra partner a clear analysis of things, unhampered by other people's needs and demands. The Libra can give her Gemini partner a more emotionally whole sense of life and people. The Gemini woman will be influenced to think less like a computer and more like a sensitive human being. Sexually, these two should be very compatible as they both value mind-to-mind rapport above all else and will be able to discuss their deeper feelings freely.
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