The Libra/Pisces combination works out very well. Both women are naturally sensitive and warm. Libra, an air sign, takes a balanced objective and intellectual approach to life, and Pisces, a water sign, feels an emotional kinship in this relationship, as she is ruled by her feeling. These two women can relate very well together because each is very sensitive and concerned about the other's feelings. The Libra will be concerned with resolving discord through open communication, and the Pisces is sensitive to her partner's emotions and will also want to keep the peace. Both women are very romantic, warm, and highly artistic.
When problems arise in this relationship, it is generally because of the different ways they view life. The Libra woman needs objectivity and a mental approach, but her Pisces partner picks up on her wavelength through her emotions and may have trouble verbalizing her feelings. The Libra woman will want to bring out problems into the open and discuss them rationally, and will expect the Pisces woman to put her feelings into words. She may feel frustrated when the Pisces woman can't express her feelings in words, and the Pisces woman may feel hurt when her Libran partner distances herself in order to be objective. The Pisces woman can become emotionally dependent on the Libran, but have difficulty expressing her needs clearly. She may have difficulty expressing resentment, and at the same time have trouble with conflict, especially if it is filled with a lot of intense emotion.
These two women, in spite of these challenges, should be able to create a harmonious relationship. Both women are highly sexual and have very refined tastes, and disharmony will cut off their sexual feelings toward each other. Both women are very idealistic, and they may find themselves wanting to retreat together a lot. Consideration and tenderness are strong between them.
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