QUOTES & QUIPS The following are words that have made a difference in my life. Most are serious, but there are those selected few that ... well... you'll see! If you want to know who said what, just email me and i will be happy to tell you!
"Be not faint of heart if you seek enlightenment." "No one said life was fair." "Look on the bright side, because if you look on the dark side, you won't be able to see anything." "I'll think about it tomorrow... at Tara." "It's not what happens to you in life that matters... but how you deal with what happens." "What the mind can conceive and believe... the mind can achieve." "Did I say it would be easy, lark??" "Open all the shutters on your windows... unlock all the locks upon your door. Brush away the cobwebs from your daydreams... no secrets come between us anymore." "You only have to face the truth once... you have to face denial every minute." "EGBOK" |