Return to the nest...

lark's Ramblings

The following essays are the result of punishments that LARKMASTER assigned to me.  It was a great learning tool, and although at the time, i was miffed because i had to write them, i am now glad that i did.  It helped me to put things back into perspective, and i learned from the experience.

 ( i think that was Master's point! )


Appropriate behavior of a slave in her Master's presence

Appropriate behavior of a slave out of her Master's presence Duties and Responsibilites of a Master from a slave's perspective.

Appropriate behavior of a slave in her Master's presence

When a slave is in her Master's presence, it is her primary duty and responsibility to serve Him in any manner that is requested by Him. she is to make herself available to Him at anytime, anywhere, without question, without hesitation.  she should be attentive of her Master's needs, anticipating them whenever she can.

she should follow His instructions without question when ordered to do something; pay attention to any lessons that He may offer; answer any and all questions posed to her by Him, and is to answer them truthfully and completely.  If she is unclear about something, she is to ask Him to clarify and/or explain, making it her responsibility to understand an issue.  she is never to question His decisions, unless she feels that she is in some kind of physical danger, at which time, she is to request a "discussion mode" so that the situation can be discussed, always remembering that her Master has the final word.

she is to never lose sight of the fact that she is there for Him, that she has given herself to Him freely, and that He knows what is best for Her at all times. she must always be honest, both with Her Master and with herself, strive to grow under His direction and accept that direction when given. If she disagrees with Him, she should address the issue in a respectful manner, never allowing anger to fog her judgment.  she is to remain respectful and courteous at all times.  she is always to ask permission before something occurs, not ask for forgiveness after the fact.

Appropriate behavior of a slave out of her Master's presence

When a slave is out of her Master's presence, it is her responsibility not to cause embarrassment to, or bring ridicule upon her Master because of her actions, deeds or words.  she should be knowledgeable in her teachings if questioned by others, polite to all that she comes in contact with, respectful of other's opinions and to always remember who she belongs to.  she is to carry herself with pride and dignity, as she is a reflection of her Master and of His teachings.  Through her, others will formulate their opinions of Him, so she must never forget that not only will she be judged by others because of her actions, but so will her Master.

her behavior should be fitting that of a slave.... she should always remain strong, proud and committed.  Outside of the watchful eye of her Master, she must remember that she is still His and should always question her actions and think in terms of what He would or would not approve of.

Duties and Responsibilites of a Master from a slave's perspective.

A Master has many duties and responsibilities attached to the care of His slave and the role that He has undertaken. These duties and responsibilities go far beyond that of her physical safety.... they include her mental, emotional and spiritual safety as well as the ability to know what is best for her in all situations that occur within their relationship.

He must first lay a solid foundation of trust and stability within their relationship, for it is from that that the relationship will be able to grow. He must convey to her that she is safe at all times when she is with Him or away from Him....she should be free from any worries about her physical safety, and it is the Master's responsibility to always maintain a safe enviornment for His slave, never punishing in anger; always being in control of His emotions and His feelings. By being in control of Himself, He is more effective in controlling His slave, so that she is free to grow and seek her enlightenment without the fear of harm. He should nurture His slave spiritually, by suggesting specific areas of study or by His teachings, and foster her emotional well being through trust, honesty and caring.

It is His responsibility to know his slave better than she knows herself, for only in this way, can He guide her and help her to overcome her fears. He must learn to "read" her, and know when to nudge her, and when not to... to be able to judge when she has had enough, and when she needs to go farther... even when she feels she has gone far enough. It is up to Him to know what is best for Her, and this is accomplished by taking the time to get to know her in regards to all aspects of her life.... her hopes, her dreams, her fears, her goals, what makes her happy and what makes her sad.

He must protect her gift that she brings to Him as well, for her gift is a part of her that she gives to Him in return for His protection, His love, His friendship and His guidance. He should always be a loving and supportive friend to her, and convey to His slave that He is always there for her and that she can come to Him for any reason and will listen to her and offer His advice when He feels it is needed.

A Master also has a duty to Himself, to pursue His exploration of the Way by continuing to learn in whatever manner he so chooses, be it in discussion with other Dominants, reading articles or attending forums. It is His responsibility to grow within Himself, just as much as it is His chosen responsibility to tend to the growth of His slave.


~Table of Contents~

(C) 2000 lark