Please read this poem and I hope that it has the same effect on you as it did on me. :)


My parents asked if I'm gay,
I said does it matter,
They said not really,
I told them yes I'm Gay,
They said get out of our lives,
I guess it mattered!

My Boss said are you gay,
I said does it matter,
My boss said not really,
I told my boss, yes i'm gay,
My boss said you're fired queer,
I guess it mattered!

My friend asked if I'm gay,
I said does it matter,
My friend said no not really,
I told my friend yes I'm gay,
My friend said don't call me friend,
I guess it mattered!

My lover said do you love me,
I said does it matter,
My lover said yes,
I told my lover yes I love you,
My lover said hold me in your arms,
For the first time something in my life matters.

God asked, Do you love yourself,
I said does it matter,
God said yes,
I said how can I love myself if I am gay,
God said because that is the way I made you,
Nothing will ever matter again.

Unknown Author