What I Want Out of This Life

This gives you an idea on what I hope my life turns out to be.

I want to get me a sugardaddy to pay all my bills and buy me houses, cars, and anything else I deem important to have.

OK , now that I am awake I will tell you what I truly want out of this life.

I have always been a planner except when it comes to how I live.  I have always just rode by the seat of my pants instead of plan a life.  I have found that this is what is holding me back in my life.  So I have decided to plan something no matter how small it is.

I have started stage one of my plan by getting a stable job and a good salary.

That was the most important thing to do so that I could go on to stage twoPAY MY BILLS!!!

Stage three is to find a place to stay on my own.  Right now it is convinient to stay with family, but it is just so far away from work and is hard to get places downtown unless I live there.

Stage Four of my life plan is to find a realtionship.  Until I get myself settled, I am not sure how I can flow into a realtionship.  That doesn't mean I will pass up any chances to start one.  It just means that it isn't an item on my list that I am going to devot my entire time on.  It just isnt worth it to spend all my time searching for someoen to love me and I him.  After I have fufilled all of these stages I will be on the road to happiness.   Soon it will be just the way it is needed to be.

Well what can I say. I have completed stage one and completed stage three. I am close to finishing stage two of my life plan. Once this is done then I can become more likely to start on stage four and begin more stages of my life that are deemed important. Especially all the friends that I have had to limit my contact with because of their locations, my time at work and finacial stability. I apologize to all those that feel that I no longer think about them or care, but I do. Being alone and so far in debt makes life difficult to comprehend when so many issues revolve around my life and have me stray from what is truly important to me.
Please contact me with any questions or comments and I will try to oblige by answering as soon as I can.


Jayson Designs 2003