As you realize, there are no pics. I created this webpage for people to learn more about me not for people to go straight to the picture page and say oh he is not attractive to me so he must be a horrible person.

For the past 5 months I have been doing research on how many times a person has only come to my page and headed straight for the picture page. The results were disgusting. Majority of the visitors have not been taking my site seriously.

So from now on there will be no more pictures of me on my webpage for anyone to view. This site was to give information about myself and to gain friendships from people of all backgrounds.

If you fall within the small group of the population that is searching for friends or just someone to chat with please feel free to contact me. If you are looking for a quickie, I'm sorry but please keep moving on to the next site.

Oh and now I wonder how many of you actually read this page since your main reason for clicking on it was to view how cute or how ugly I look to you.

I may sound bitter but actually its a feeling of disgust. How would you feel if noone wanted to know anything about you just because of how you looked and not getting to know the person you truly are.

Steps off the soapbox. Have a good day!