Fundraising Committee

You have just been touched by the life of the Fundraising Committe. This committee is a subcommittee of CALYPSO's working group. Currently, this committee numbers four volunteers in total, all of whom are dedicated to raising the funds needed to pursue CALYPSO's mission. The Fundraising Committee is currently chaired by Amy Twigge and includes the following volunteers:

This committee is charged with the task of raising the funds required for CALYPSO to carry out projects and programs. Examples of past successes are the Red Smile 1996 where the Fundraising Committe sold buttons, keychains, and T-shirts throughout the gay&lesbian community of Toronto. By June 1996, the Red Smile campaign raised over $1700 and proved to the queer community of Ontario, not only that CALYSO existed, but also that our youth-for-youth organization was determined to survive. The Fundraising Committe has also, successfully, encouraged businesses and organizations to donate prizes to CALYPSO events, and raised money to fund subculture, CALYPSO's quarterly newsletter.

Other tasks of the Fundraising Committe include:

If you have a flair for fundraising and enjoy being publicly visible, the Fundraising Committee would love to hear from you. To volunteer on this committee please refer to the Volunteer Application. We thank-you for visiting the Fundraising Committee's Info-page, and hope to hear from you really soon!

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