Publications Committee

Welcome to the publications committee Info page, a subcommittee of CALYPSO's Working Group. We are a group of volunteers who meet periodically and complete tasks neccessary to create and distribute all publicized CALYPSO material. Although the publications committee no longer operates with the assistance of its previous chairperson, Robert Steckling, we'd like to acknowledge his tremendeous contribution to CALYPSO and Subculture. The five other volunteer members in the publications committee are:

Here is a summary of the major projects the committee has undertaken, so that you may get a better understanding of what the publications committee actually does.


CALYPSO publishes a quarterly newsmagazine called Subculture in January, April, July, and October. This periodical covers internal CALYPSO issues and announcements, announcements pertinent to queer youth across Ontario and abroad, articles of interest to youth and true stories. Currently CALYPSO distrubutes this newsletter free of charge; as well, we send to individuals who request a copy from the Newsletter Subscription box.


To announce CALYPSO events and projects poster, pamphlets, and leaflets are required. The publications committee has published a sense of posters, leaflets, and a general purpose brochure introducing CALYPSO to people unfamiliar with who we are and what we do. We are also responsible for arranging mass media advertising.

Facilitator Handbooks:

CALYPSO publishes several small guidebooks to help youth peer support facilitators run group discussions on various topics important queer youth. These handbooks will include:

Some handbook topics will include:

Coming out Queer history
Homophobia Hiv/AIDS&STD's
Relationship and Intamacy Queer sex
Lesbian Motherhood/Gay Fathers Erotic encounter
Gov't assistance for queer youth Dealing with friends/family

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