New banner, unfortunately the colours are wrong. Will attempt to get colours rectified.

  1. Recap open house meeting concerning events we would like to have this year.
  2. a) movies

    b) bowling

    c) zig’s

    d) dance

    e) games night

  3. We invited BLAG to our meeting
  4. Fundraising 50/50 tickets at zigs we need 2 people to do it. Lygia will
  5. provide tickets.
  6. We now have 1700 web hits page has been updated with meeting time and place.
  7. Erin will look into meeting that will determine our club status and club space. We also expect to get club money from SGA.
  8. Joint effort that may be interesting with Boreal and BLAG

January Queer Film Festival would be held downtown.

Awareness Week –February

7) On Campus Events

Movie nights

i) Tuesday October 26, 1999 at 7:00 pm in the TV lounge-The crying Game -Dana

ii) Wednesday November 10, 1999 at 7:00 pm in the TV lounge –Bound -Bobbi

iv) Thursday November 25, 1999 at 7:00 pm in the TV lounge- The Hanging Garden –Nick

There will be a dance on Decemeber 18, 1999 at the Jubilee Center