Why in the world does your SEX make you classified as capable or incapable of certain GENDER roles? And why in the world are there only TWO genders, male and female? Where does SEX translate into GENDER? So, why must all people of the male SEX act within some arbitrary male GENDER role? Why must everyone of the female SEX act within some arbitrary female GENDER role? and Why must you be either in the female gender or the male and nowhere in-between or outside? Because the world has cultivated these very specific and isolated genders and anyone who simply wishes to fit in and "pass" or "blend-in" or "go from the male closet into the female closet" is simply perpetuating this problem. Look at feminist rights activists, gay activists; they are simply trying to create equality with-in this system. It will never be. The only way to gain true equality is to DISMANTLE this system. Get rid of male and female. Get rid of bi-polar gender. GENDER is NOT the same as SEX. Sex is the physical vessel. Gender is the expression of the inner self through the vessel. Only by opening up gender to the freedom it truly deserves, will there be equality among human beings.

Besides, other than having some slightly different physical appearance, what use is there in dividing human beings into boys and girls, males and females? TO DISCRIMINATE! Absolutely NO OTHER REASON. It's the same answer as why are there race classifications? To Discriminate. Divide and separate and weed out the undesirables.

I just want to be a human being and live in a world populated by other human beings. No males, females, blacks, whites, hipsanics, asians, gays, straights, bisexuals, transgendered, transsexuals.....The only way to do that right now is to be transgendered. By saying I am TG, suddenly it's ok to be whatever you want, but the minute we start saying that there is a limit to what "transgendered" means, that is when we start separating ourselves form each other, from the world, and...

For the record, there are NO significant differences in the behavior of men and women as a whole (Read: all world cultures). Just when you think you have a "male" behavior or a "female" behavior, there is a culture somewhere in the world that will completely reverse these behaviors. All gender roles and behaviors are ARBITRARY and selected ABRITRARILY by a particular culture simply to maintain that culture's identity. Read some of Margaret Mead's studies of world cultures, or her book _Male and Female_. And I don't believe for one minute any "dominant culture theory" where the most populated culture "has" to be the "right" one.

As long as we believe in the true differences in males and females, as long as we try to perpetuate their bi-polar existence, we will continue to have people segregating us and classifying us as lesser people. We need to stop trying to separate people via male/female, hetero-/homo-, black/white, tall/short, and find ways of embracing our similarities. Isn't that the real problem here?

WHEN people seek out differences in order to divide people into groups, the only reason at the heart of it all is discrimination. As long as we try to isolate men and women, there will be discrimination. Women will never find equality in a bi-polar gendered society. Some day women may take the power from the men, but that will simply be a reversal of the power and a reversal of the discrimination. The only way women can be seen as equal to men is to blur the lines of where one starts and the other ends.

Yes, we all can celebrate our differeces, on an individual level "I am different from you, isn't that great!" But the minute you start creating groups of "different" people, you have discrimination. You can pretend it isn't there, you can pretend to be better than everyone else, but that won't stop them from taking advantage of the differences. See how transgendered folk are discriminated around the world, even in places where "women" have secured "equality" with men, TG folk are neither male nor female according to some laws in some countries. They CAN be discrimnated against by employers, they CAN be denied the right to get married (See Australia's laws), they CAN be forced to divorce and give all property and custodial rights to the "Genetic-sexed" partner (See Britain's laws). You can pretend, but the discrimination continues.......

That is the whole point I am trying to make. Why must WE change to fit in to the bi-polar gender world? Shouldn't we be spending our energies creating a world that allows us to be who we are regardless of birth sex? As long as the division exists, we will NEED to change to be a part of normal society, to be one or the other. If the division no longer existed, we could CHOOSE to be who or what we wanted to be, without fear of being ostracized. Is that such a frightening concept for everyone? Is it really safer to keep the bi-polar gender world and change to fit it or should we proclaim "This is WRONG!" and do something about it? My need to change sex is primarily based upon these issues. I cannot be who I need to be in a bi-polar gendered society with a male body, therefore I must adopt a female body to be "Me." If the bi-polar gendered society did not exist, I would have no NEED to change sex, as I would be able to be "Me" with a male body. In such a would I could choose to get HRT or SRS, but it would be elective treatment, no different than breast implants, a nose job, or piercing my ears. There would still be extreme cases, primarily involving mutilation of the gentials, that would be "medically necessary", but honestly, how many others out there besides myself can admit that the need to change sexes is based primarily on the EXISTENCE of TWO genders, one arbitrarily applied to each sex?

Here's another one: male and female are scientific sex classifications, but why must male and female, or man and woman, be gender classifications? I submit that these two GENDER classifications are far too broad and need to be abandoned. In favor of what? I don't know yet, but it is clear that there is no definitive dividing line between the two genders.

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