Pantyspydded:  Walk 10
a poem in draft




This is the steepest and longest climb on the walk,
so it is worth making frequent stops to enjoy the
magnificent views.


Sometimes, I think it is not
the climb but the pauses
that we find difficult.
What is it to me to stop the day,
to make an allowance
for breathing, for aching muscles?

To reflect. To pause,
a difficult thing. To write
these words a year
later, holding
together scraps of meaning.
There was only the
moment, no view to speak of.
No one to see the lines
of our hands creasing together
or notice our fingers red from the cold,
no one to tell me-I was there,
as you crossed the fence,
and we made our way on this
path, map or no--

Did you look back?
