10:00 pm Sunday 25th April 1999
Well, another Sunday night here at the coal face, um I mean computer. Today was Anzac day. I got up at 4:50 am to go to the dawn service. It was very cold outside as I cycled over to the War Memorial. The service was good, and after it I came back and went to breakfast before heading back to bed and getting up again at about 1:00 pm. The rest of the day was spent doing very little at all.
On Friday mum came over. She drove me down to Queanbeyan so that I could renew my license. This was easily done, then we went to Belconnen to get some food and to search for a bookshop I had been wanting to visit for some time. More about that later. She left at around 1:00 pm, so I went into work. It was very nice to see her again, she will probably come over again with Dad to look at the government auctions.
I got into work and hey were all having champagne. This was to celebrate the big review which had finally been disposed off. I had some and spend most of the rest of the afternoon in the chemistry library. At about 5:30 pm I finally got some leads and dug up some old Russian references about Tri-substituted compound made similarly to my methods. I came home, chatted to Jules who was preparing to head down to Susan's for the long weekend and went to bed eventually.
Saturday was spent in Civic and spending money. I bought a pair of yellow tinted sunglasses similar to the one's which Red has. The are very cool. I also bought several books. The screenplay to "Withnail and I", the encyclopedia of plagues and pestilence and the "Psychedelics Encyclopedia". They are all quite good. I will give the first to Sarah for her birthday.
After I got back from Civic around 1:00 pm, I went over to the grassed area out the back and lay in the sun for a couple of hours. It was very pleasant There was no wind and then sun felt very good. It was the perfect relaxation. I certainly got my dose of vitamin D for the week.
Anyway, I was in Alice's bookshop on Friday afternoon with mum, when I was in the RPG section. I picked up a slim volume not really looking at it, when the pages fell open as I flicked through it… and the pages fell open at a pressed five-leafed clover. I knew I had to buy the book. As it turned out, the book is the "Principia Discordia" by Steve Jackson games. It turns out that this rather confusing book was "assembled" in a manner similar to that of (and preceding) the ideas of the Church of the Subgenius. It is half joke, half serious and half bizarre. But ironically this is just the sort of book which I earlier lamented I had never found. Well not exactly, but close indeed.