7:30 pm Wednesday 14th July 1999

Goodness, I'm tired already and the day has only just begun. Its been a good day so far though. I got up slightly later so that I would get good sleep tonight after staying up late. Does that make sense? Anyway, got into work and cranked up the reaction scheme which I had prepared yesterday. Left that and went back to practicing my talk. It was mainly just trying to get a good understanding of the electrochemistry which I had to ask a few questions about. Anyway, I crudely worked up my reaction and got a white precipitate when I added the water. This was new, so I made up a sample and ran an NMR, and low and behold, it seems that I've finally made the tri-styryl compound! I borrowed most of the technique from Nigel, so I can't claim to be the first, but it is the first time it's been done by this particular method.
Anyway, after that success, I went and asked about another question which involved different isomer ratios from different phosphine groups. I didn't get any real answer from the two academics whom I saw, so I went back to the lab. When I got back, Marie told me a girl in a long black coat had come by to see me, I wondered who the heck that could be. When I went back into the lab, Clem told me that "my friend with the long curly hair had been here" and that Michelle had been here with him. I was rather delighted by this, but I had only missed them both by about 20 minutes, so I gave Nikki a call and found that she had dropped by with Michelle who was back in town. So I gave Michelle a call on her mobile and she was still in Civic. So we met at the Canberra Center and had coffee and good chats. She had an appointment at the laser electrolysis place for a consultation, and she asked me if I wanted to come along since I had mentioned that I was going to make a booking some time soon.
The consultation was informative, I discovered early that I couldn't get anything done until two months after I had finished my Roaccutane treatment. This was a pretty major downer for me, and so I was a bit upset. Still it was good to get an idea of how long and how much. It would take about 20-30 sessions at one session of ~45 minutes per week at a price of $114. This adds up to about ~$2800 over about six months. Presuming that I finish my course of Roaccutane in December, I could expect to finish the electrolysis at about this time next year. We also discussed Friday's doctor's appointment, and she reiterated that Dr S**** was very friendly and to go in and not be worried about being scared since it was quite normal and that everybody is quite friendly.
So after the consultation it was about 6:30 pm and although I would have liked to have stayed out for more chatting, I had to come back so that I could get prepared for the presentation.
It's only 20 hours away, and since I'll be asleep for 8 or 9 of those, I guess I should get my butt into gear!

12:50 am – Got back from the lab a little while ago. Ran through my talk twice to check the time, both times it cam out just on 40 minutes which is ideal. The second time I was a bit flaked out, but after today I guess that was expected given how flaked out I am in general. Early today I found somebody had hacked my voicemail and changed the message and code so that was bloody annoying. As I told Michelle, I guess that's what I get for living around testosterone soaked idiots. Thankfully I got it fixed before too much embarasment.
Anyway, I must go to bed, I got an email from Szusza which was nice, apparently there is a dinner on Saturday night, I'm not sure whether I'm going to go or not, I might just flake out all Saturday instead.