12:30 am Friday 16th July 1999

Wow! What a day… Woke up about 8:30 am and tried to stay in bed, but couldn't get back to sleep. So I got up, had a small breakfast and went into the lab. I set up my computer at 10:00 am and then the others came down and I went through my talk at 10:30 am. Mark and Marie got there later, so they caught the tail end. After this we thrashed out some of the small errors, but thankfully there were no show-stoppers. This wrapped up at around 12:00pm, and I bludged around for a bit, had lunch and then decided to go and get some alcohol. I went to Super-barn in the city and picked up some new alcoholic soda derivatives. I was on my way back to the lab and was cycling past the Street Theatre and I saw a familiar figure wearing a long black coat. Lo and behold it was Michelle! I wasn't expecting to see her at all, so it was a real surprise to bump into her at University. We chatted for a few minutes, and then I had to head off and prepare for the talk since it was about 3:00 pm by then.
I wasted about 30 minutes writing up a sarcastic/deep and meaningful little satire which I thought would have been funny (funny to me that is) to distribute before the talk. It was a brief description of a play which was a "Shakespeare-like" pun on my Ph.D. candidature up to that point. I thought it up and wrote it out (about an A4 page) in only 15 minutes or so, so I was quite proud of myself. I didn't distribute it, I felt that might be going a little bit over the top.
Anyway, I went to set up at 3:30 pm and it took me about 10 minutes to get the projector set up. I raced home at about 3:45 pm to get changed, and finally everybody came into the lecture theatre at about 4:05 pm.
The talk was good, everything seemed to go to plan. I knew I had rushed it since it only took me 30 minutes rather then 45 but shorter is better than longer, so that's fine by me and the audience. There thankfully weren't too many questions, and the ones I did get I could either bluff my way out of or actually had a reasonable idea of what they were about. The questions went for about 10 minutes I guess and then it was all over. I cracked open a Lemon Stoly and had a good swig of that. I chatted with Mark and Marek afterwards until 5:00 and everything seemed pretty much under control. I kicked back at the office, had a KGB, packed up my stuff and came home at about 6:00 pm. I had a shower at 7:00 and crashed out. Mum called, and Red had left a message which was nice.
I remembered that there was going to be a J-file special on "moon" songs, and they were asking about trivia and suggested songs about the moon. I kept on ringing, a lot of the time I got the engaged signal and occasionally the ringing tone and then finally at about 11:00 pm I got through! I said I was a bit of a space fanatic and that I wanted to request Tea-party – Drawing down the Moon. After waiting a few minutes and answering the trial question (Who was the third man on the moon – Charles "Pete" Conrad) I was talking to Richard Kingsmill live on the air!!! I talked a bit about the Lunar prospector crash to confirm ice on the moon, and then about the Russian attempts to detonate a H-bomb on the moon. Finally he said thanks and my song got played. It was such a spin-out! For the next two hours, and even now, I can't believe that my voice was drifting across Australia and could be heard by so many millions of Australians. It was such a great feeling I have an enormous grin across my face. :) It's now 1:08 am, and I'm starting to get a bit tired. I am going to meet Michelle around midday tomorrow to waste some time before my Doctor's appointment at 3:00 pm. I will try to book for a massage tomorrow morning to fix up the clicky feeling in my left shoulder. Also now that the stress is so much less, maybe my acne will begin to be affected by the Roaccutane treatment. *fingers crossed*
I have to also remember to meet Red and Penny at 7:45 pm so that we get to Carlotta on time.

1:33 pm Just had a bowl of instant rice so that I could take my Roaccutane, I think I might go to bed now, after one of the better weeks and days that I've had in quite a while. Kisses to you all…