11:30 pm Sunday 25th July 1999

Probably just a quick entry here tonight, what have I been up to? Today was pretty much a write off, went to breakfast at 10:00 am and after that I was so bored I went to the lab. Made a few corrections to my Research Annual Report but didn't have any heart for that so I packed it in and came home. Chatted with Susan and Jules for an hour and by 2:30 pm I was down here just veging out. Found something to keep me entertained for most of the afternoon and Jules came down and we had a good chat. Told him that I had started hormones, he seemed a bit shocked – "Already?!". The timing was much earlier than I had ever expected, so what were other people to know?
Still feeling quite flaky at the moment, hopefully a good night's sleep will cure that. The kitchen fan was on earlier, but thankfully somebody turned that off.
Got an email from Nikki who went to see Carlotta with Szusza and Michelle. Seems like they all had a good time.
12:00 am – I'm off to bed…zzzzzz