18th March 1999

12:50 am Thursday 18th March 1998

God, what a day. I got woken up by the damn cockatoo's outside, and then after that it was run around and try to get stuff done. I didn't get the KBr discs pressed, because the machine has blown up! This was a real pisser. I found that another person next door has a press, but I didn't get around to using it. I did talk to the NMR center and got rebuffed, they wan me to run a different variety of carbon experiment to prove the mystery peak is real before they will do anything else. This means I have to turn up at 9:00 am on Sunday to start the experiment and let it run until Monday morning. I got a program to view my Ortep plots. It's called Ghost view, and to get it I had to wait until a guy down the hall got back from lunch so that I could get the zip files. And then I had to connect the computer to the network printer which I did after a lot of frustration. I'm slowly getting the necessary programs I need to do my work together, but finding that I have to load another piece of software is always really annoying.
Tomorrow afternoon I'll have to do some Z-scan, so that will eat away from my time. Then I have to bold the changes I've made to OMNO 18.
On a small good (?) note, Joe came in to work on OMNO 17, which is good since I don't want to have to worry about it as well. I also put the Tri-Mesic acid reduction on. I don't know whether it is good or bad yet. The salts are bright pink which is very unusual, but the filtrates are colorless. There is only going to be about a gram of product, and it is white so I'm hoping the compound is sitting in a soluble state in the ether layer. I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning.
I didn't get to see the doctor today, by the time I had finished running around and finally connected the computer to the printer is was after 5:00 pm. I tried to go for a run tonight, but my heart just wasn't in it. I got as far as Rydges on the way to Parliament House when I decided to pack it in and I walked back. I had run the previous night, and I just wasn't in the mood at all.
My home internet browser is completely stuffed, whenever I try to look at Jennifer's diary or other stuff it just hangs. I can hardly do a thing. I must mention this to Jules, except tomorrow night is the Commencement Dinner and we all be eating, except maybe me since I haven't put my name down and so I might miss out on a spot, but if I turn up in an academic gown nobody will give a stuff. It might be interesting to see a hot meal again, or just one which doesn't consist mostly of either bread or cereal.
The cleaners are damn slack on the ground floor. My sink hasn't be cleaned in weeks, and all they seem to do is put a plastic bag for the bin on the desk and run the vacuum through about once a week.
Anyway, tomorrow I have to get my stuff together and run Z-scan. Press those two KBr discs, bold the OMNO document and find my reduced compound. If I can just get those things done before Commencement dinner, I will be very exhausted.