9:45 pm - Monday 28th January 2002

As usual, it's been a tiring day.

In a good way though, I found what was going wrong with the latest set of experiments, though I feel like a bit of an idiot for it. The chemical we use is n-ButylLithium which is very moisture sensitive, and obviously in a very humid place like, oh say... Miami, you have to take special precautions when using it to ensure that it doesn't react with the moisture in the air. Well, my supervisor showed me how to properly do the procedure, and I was trying to defend myself by mentioning this sort of thing never happened in dry Canberra. Oh well, even post-docs don't know everything, and the reaction does seem promising.

11:30 pm - Tuesday 29th January 2002

With days like these, who needs adrenaline sports?

This morning was an absolute shambles, and I was on the verge of tears out of frustration with work. And yet, after noon, everything turned around and went really well. I just got back from the gaming group which was fun, and one of the guys (Ben) invited me and the others to his place for the Super Bowl on Sunday which I might go to. Tomorrow is the long-loathed group meeting, and I've found I have to give a Powerpoint presentation next Monday as well. *blech*
In less than a week, my friend Peta goes in for her surgery, so I'm wishing her the best for that. *hugs*

9:15 pm - Wednesday 30th January 2002

Pay day tomorrow. *huzzah*

I hope you have all been enjoying the pictures I've posted. Now that I have access to a scanner, software and a reliable net connection, it's become much easier. Don't expect works of art, I use a disposable camera, because, well it's disposable...
Today I left the lab about 7 pm, though things went pretty well. The meeting turned out much better than expected, and even I am amazed at the amount of work I've been able to shift. Of course, everything has its toll, tonight's dinner was twinkies, flan, diet Coke and cheese sandwiches, not so cool.