I just talked to Mum on the phone, it looks like my High School 10 year Reunion is going to be the held the weekend of the 23rd August. Given that I have a somewhat twisted sense of humour, I almost wish I could go, but alas I am in Miami for he next few months. Allison is back at work but her boss is jerking her around and generally being a real asshole, kind of makes me wish I could hit the guy. My insurance is still up in the air as repeated calls to my insurance company have lead nowhere. This woman promised to call me this morning, but I never heard back from her. My policy is going to be cancelled by 20th July unless they move, and if push comes to shove I'm willing to take them to Small Claims Court to get my money back. As long as my landlord thinks I have insurance all is well as long as there isn't an accident here, but it's the principle of the thing I'm on at the moment.