2:25 pm - Sunday 17th August 2002

What becomes of the broken-hearted?

Well, today I was at the lab checking on some things and I logged onto hotmail to check my email. I usually ignore the banner-ads which saturate the browser window, but today there was one which caught my eye
"Find your school friends in Australia and New Zealand"

Now it just so happens that my 10 year high-school reunion is coming up next Saturday and so I guess I couldn't resist putting down some false details so as to be able to log onto the site. My school (which shall for now remain nameless) was quite large and prestigious and so unsurprisingly there were about 14 people from the class of '92 who had entered their details. Some I remembered only peripherally, others I was more familiar with. None of my "tormentors" names appeared.
Feeling somewhat mischievous I thought about adding my own details, I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the long list of John's, David's and Robert's and a single Stephanie appearing therein. As it was I demurred, perhaps I will wait until after any reunion fervour has subsided, perhaps I will never bother. I am somewhat happy and sad that I can't be there to say "You couldn't break me", but in my heart I know that it's not completely true.

8:45 am - Tuesday 20th August 2002

Must be something in the air.

One of the things I hate about Miami is going on as we speak. My building is completely surrounded by blue sky, and yet directly above is small grey cloud which is apparently trying to drop itself completely on this area of Coral Gables. In theory I could walk to work, but by the time I got there the rain would have stopped, I'd have soaked shoes and I'd eventually have to walk home again. So it looks like I have an excuse to stay at home for a bit.