I made an error of judement in this original entry the offending remarks have been permanently removed.

Tuesday 10th September 2002

Cooking up a storm 52 days to go.

I've been really busy over the past few days. Call of Cthulhu was called off Saturday, but Avi didn't tell me that, so I sat around waiting until midday. I called Anthony who let me know and who invited me up to "The Ale House" to watch the big football grudge match between the University of Miami and the University of Florida. This took up the evening and we went back to Anthony's place to grab Jill off of a bus and then play dominoes till the late hours.

The next day I had to go shopping for some miscellaneous stuff and then after making it to the lab to check on things I had just enough time to get home and shower before Avi and I headed down to Ben's place to hang out, play cards and watch bits of Shrek. It was fun though I was still a bit tired from the previous night.
On Monday I had to make up for the work which I didn't get done on the weekend. I started on the miscellaneous section of the review I am working on, and while I started off thinking I had only one paper to cover, this rapidly expanded into more than a dozen. In the end I had to create an entirely new section to include all the new references.
Today was pretty much the same thing, though I am making progress. I printed off a lot of papers and spent time going back and forth between the library for others. I set up an overnight NMR experiment and then came home. Gaming it turns out was cancelled again which is fine by me since I need a rest and have a huge pile of laundry to take care of, as well as other things like my diary.

The one thing which I must take care of is to apply for a new job. I have seen a few possible positions, but have been too busy to send out a resume to them. Given that I want as little down-time between pay slips, I need to tackle this.

9:55 pm - Well, I cycled back over to the lab and emailed off a cover letter and CV to one potential position in Louisville Kentucky. I also spent a frustrating time trying to burn some songs to CD. The computer had changed them to .wma format which the burner wouldn't recognize. Eventually I came home through the light rain to gather my laundry, shower and sleep.

I have an idea about my possible job options which I want to pursue. I read an advertisement for an Inorganic Professorship at Evergreen University in Olympia Washington. Now the position is "entry level" and tenure-track, but given that is such a small University (~4000 students), I may be qualified for this position on the basis of my research even if I haven't done much teaching. If I don't make it through the review committee, no big deal, but even if I am asked to come and give a talk, that would be a great learning experience and who knows potentially it could even a stable job on the West Coast. Suffice to say it's worth a shot.