It's very early in the morning, the city is noisy and bustling outside my window, and what is the news of the day? Well, the envelope did in fact arrive in Sydney and was processed around 9 pm yesterday. The matter is still not yet settled since it has to arrive before midday to be of any use to me today. I guess I'll know for better or worse in a few hours, alas the employee at the front desk said that stuff usually doesn't arrive here until midday. *sigh*
Last night I watched “Lord the Rings: Return of the King” for the second time. I couldn't think of anything else to do for 3 and a half hours, and it isn't too hard to sit through it again.
If (as I suspect) the envelope doesn't get here in time to allow me to get to the consulate today, then I'll try to catch a bus home. I think I'll go mad here in Sydney trying to pass the weekend, yesterday afternoon was horribly frustrating. It would mean I'd have to rebook my airline ticket again, and I don't even know if the embassy will have any other problems with my application.
Ugh, why does it have to be so hard. Waiting, waiting, waiting.