6:30 pm – Thursday 14th April 2005

Well, I'm officially about 7 weeks post.

Since I arrived back in the US, things have been busy enough to keep me away from writing my diary. I should have lots of time while I'm dilating, but I just couldn't bring myself to write while dilating. Usually I'd instead try to sleep or watch a DVD. Dilation is a fairly high maintenance affair, particularly during the first 3 months afterwards. It's not the only post-op annoyance, generic aching, oozing and swelling is quite annoying too. This is all fairly regular girl stuff, so I'm not asking for much sympathy. Dilating with the big stent (38 mm, ~1.5 inches diameter) really sucks, but needs to be done to break up scar tissue and prevent vaginal stenosis.

I am happy to report however that not only does the “water” work correctly, but the “electricity” does as well. :) It took me at least a week for my body to adjust to the time change, and for whatever reason I am having a terrible time getting up in the morning, but hopefully that is just a temporary thing. The first week back I was probably only operating at about 60% efficiency, the second week it was maybe 75%. The past week I'm at maybe 90% efficiency, with only occasional aches and pains.

I've done away with the donut, as it never was all that comfortable. I took the anti-inflammatory drugs until they ran out, and that seemed to keep the swelling down. On Sunday (10th April), I got my moped out of the lab and after changing the oil I got it started. That was very good as it meant I was now much more mobile and independent. Also, on Monday and Tuesday I went for a tentative jog. Not very far, just enough to work up a little bit of a sweat and stretch my muscle which have been atrophying. I lost about 8 kg while I was away, most of it probably muscle mass. In another 2 weeks I'll be allowed to ride my bicycle again, so I am looking forward to that.

I arrived back in Montana just at the cusp of Winter and Spring. I experienced a few snow falls, but was happy to watch it then melt away the next day. The grass is now green and the trees are beginning to bud, so it is a nice time to be here.

I'm doing my best to make progress with my work, and in some areas I am more successful than others. I have my students presenting a poster this Friday, and then I am giving an oral presentation this Saturday.