Tuesday 24th May
Dan gave me a lift to the airport, and the flights were fairly empty all the way to Oakland. Bonnie was having lunch with her friend Bonita in the city, so I caught the Bart back to Berkeley by myself and met Bonnie there about 1:30 pm. It was a very nice sunny Californian day and she looked very beautiful, as she had just had her hair cut on Monday and had spiked it with gel that morning. We walked back up the hill to her Euclid apartment. In the afternoon we just chilled out and did some grocery shopping. Later on we bleached portions of her hair and then put a few blonde streaks into mine. We went with her engineering friends to watch “Star Wars”, and then part of Episode II “Attack of the Clones” in the engineering and computer science building. I ate way too much sugar and had a few too many wine coolers and so didn't feel all that great after the long trip. I went home during Episode II because I was so tired and had to dilate. The dilation was difficult to do because I wasn't at home.
Wednesday 25th May
I woke up with a headache, probably because of the exertions from the previous day. I went down to a coffee shop on Euclid and Bonnie joined me there later on. She had to do a few things in Soda Hall, and then we headed home. In the afternoon we coloured my hair with a purple tint mixed with some pink highlights. Bonnie thought she had a phylogeny seminar to go to, but it had in fact been the previous day. So since she was now free, we coloured her hair blue, and when we had finished, it looked very, very cool. That evening a huge group (~14) of her friends and I were intending to go to a Chinese restaurant in Berkeley for dinner, however there wasn't any room there so we went to a Thai restaurant just down the road. That was a lot of fun, and after we finished we all drove down to Emeryville to see the new Star Wars movie “Revenge of the Sith”. I thought it was ok, better than the previous two prequels at least. We got out of there a little before midnight, and Lenny gave us a lift home. At home we had a long conversation about “public displays of affection” and what both of us were or were not comfortable with.
Thursday 26th May
We woke up about 10 am and got ready since we were expecting Kay to call for lunch. She called about 11 am and the three of us headed down to Cheeseboard for exotic pizza. Kay was quite well, and he husband Pierre had defended his Ph.D. work the previously day and had passed. We chatted a lot and then she left us with her car while she went for a meeting with her supervisor. Bonnie and I wrestled with the mattress for a while and finally got it into the back of the boot. Fortunately her new place is just down the hill, so I jogged along side the car to make sure the mattress didn't explode out of the car. We then carried out a lot more boxes and other stuff, and by the time we had finished late in the day, we were ready to stay at Bonnie's new place away from her noisy room mate. All the moving really tired us out, but we were happy to have it done. I dilated that evening and we watched “Castle in the Sky”, a fairly good Miyazaki animation.