Well, I feel quite happy. This evening I finally got my “Thai boyfriends” out of storage, and it looks like I haven't lost any depths since I last dilated some months ago. I have some soreness, but they might be because I have been wiggling a bit too much this week.
We have had a cold front move through this week, and this morning when I walked to work it was -27C (-35C if you figure in the wind-chill). When you can see your breath inside the hallways, you know it's not good news. I haven't been very productive today or yesterday, I was trying my best today, but first the rotary evaporator broke down, and then other stuff was keeping me distracted. Kadie has been sick, and I haven't seen her since Tuesday night. Tonight I'm going with a few friends to a comedy show, and there is also a Q dance tonight, but I don't think I'll go.
In cool news I just had an email exchange with my friend Jules. It turns out that Susan (his girlfriend) is getting a masters degree, and he is along for the ride. They are having a nice time, although she has been busy studying. He sent me some photos that looked great. I'm disappointed that I won't get to see them in Oz, but I'll know that they'll be having a good time regardless. Jules offered to help me out with a new homepage, which is really cool of him. I'd like to password protect parts of my web site, but maybe I'll go to a new site altogether. I'd like to go with something like rotwang-research.com for a work site.