I don't think I've ever really had a craving for alcohol before, but right now a wine cooler would be really nice. It's probably true to say that stimulants are my poison of choice as I never could really get into having my brain slowed down. Still, a drink right now would be nice.
The day has been virtually a groundhog-esque repeat of the rest of the semester. An early wake up so that I could get to the university and finish my lecture notes. This was followed by giving the lecture, and then a short notice meeting with the Dean.
In the afternoon I had pizza and coffee for lunch, followed by a meeting to discuss the laboratory experiments for next semester. I cycled home via the supermarket around 4:30 pm, and carried a load of groceries and my bicycle back up the hill. I ate diner, had a shower and talked with Kadie on the phone for a while.
See, I told you it was a boring day.