11:30 pm Thursday 2nd September 1999
Hey ho, yet another day passes into memory. Would I ever remember it come the future if it were not for this diary? So, what did I get up to? Decided it was a shorts day after I got up around 9:30 am and ended up getting into work at about 10:30 am. Before that I had cycled to the bank and got money out, then I cycled back to John's and paid off the last of my accommodation for the year, hurrah! At the lab I worked my reaction up from yesterday and hurrah! The protecting group had gone quite cleanly into place according to the NMR. I wasn't feeling particularly motivated after lunch, so I went to a demonstration of the new Xerox printer which took an hour. After that I went back to the lab and trans-halogenated my compound and later worked it up. Around 4:00 pm Red gave us a call and I went over and met her at the Union steps about 4:15 pm. We chatted until the sun set behind Black mountain and she had to head off home. I came back to the lab and ran an NMR of my compound, and it seems the iodide group has mostly but not completely gone into position. That's fine, because I can always repeat the reaction as well as scaling it up. The basic premise has been proved, now it's just a matter of tweaking.
About 6:00 pm I decided to call it a day. I ordered a pizza because it was pay-day and I didn't feeling enormously like cooking even though I had bought some pasta.
Got home and chatted to Red on ICQ briefly. My pizza arrived about 6:50 pm and I let that cool and then hoed into it. I was supposed to send a whole bunch of email to different people tonight, but I had a shower and a shave, and by the time I had finished that I was exhausted. I'm slowly attacking my arms with the razor, in the hope that like most of my other vellous body hair it will not grow back. I didn't want to go too berserk, because I might be going home this week and I don't really want to shock the parents too bad. The fingernails have also become quite long. In the end I didn't get an eyebrow wax and shape, I will save that up for when I get back from home.
After I got back from the shower I shaved my face which was a joy as usual and I practiced putting a little bit of mascara on. Unfortunately I keep on sticking the brush in my eye… *lol* it was a good practice, but would have been better if I had been less tired.
Went upstairs and chatted with Astro who was there as well. He headed off to the Moose (something I still find hard to believe) and I spent an hour or so chatting with Susan and Jules, then I came down here. :)
I got an email from Nikki today which was nice, I am really way too tired to respond, but maybe tomorrow I will try to get it done.
Ok, it's 12:15 am and I am in desperate need of sleep, I wonder if the hormone therapy has anything to do with this? Oh, on Wednesday I bought a pair of bathroom scales. I found that I weighed ~76 kg or so. So that is pretty cool. :) Most of what is left is muscle mass, so hopefully a few more months on hormones will mean that I'll drop a few more kilograms. I know it's only a wishful dream, but to be under 70 km really would be something, I'd probably look like a scarecrow with a bad hair style, but it would be nice to get back there. I wouldn't have been that weight for many years now, probably not since school.
Still haven't contacted Gloria regarding Ball make-up, neither have I been able to find the online shoe store from before, every time I try the damn browser seizes up… grrrr...
I am rather tempted to wear a little eye make up to work tomorrow… nothing too much, in fact something very subdued. Possibly some mascara… I'll see what happens when I wake up, I'll probably be too out of it to remember