10:30 pm Monday 27th September 1999

Okkie, after a too short entry yesterday, I figured I had better catch up on all the weekend stuff…
Saturday was pretty quiet, I spent most of the day lazing about and then that night Jules and I watched "Akira" on the TV in the SCR and ate pizza. It was pretty cool. Susan had gone back to Cooma for some celebratory dinner with her family. I've actually been feeling rather bored recently, usually I have enough social contact with people in the corridor, but holidays get me a bit bored… god knows what I'll do when Susan and Jules move out?!?!
Sunday I woke up about ~10:00 am and went to the lab at about 11:30 pm. I worked up the three reactions, none of which looked particularly good under NMR, and it was about 3:00 pm before I decided to call it a day…
The afternoon was spent chatting with Jules and Susan after she got back from Cooma and little else. I bumped into Dannie and Andrew in the stairwell, and the double-take on Andrew's face was definitely worth it… *lol* They were down here for holidays and a conference for Dannie, so that was interesting. Went up and chatted with Lloyd and asked how the week at home was and apparently it was pretty good.
I sent him an email later that night (hence why no diary entry) laying out my situation and so forth. No response as yet, but time will tell…
Um, went to bed around midnight and that was that.
Woke up about 9:00 am and fussed around. Went to the Uni pharmacy and thankfully the Roaccutane script had one repeat left on it. Got them, cycled into Civic and passed Dannie on the way in. Got a wrought picture frame for Michelle's going away present and got a little engraved plaque for it as well. Dropped the photo's in for reprints for Krissy, and got into the lab about 11:00 am. Worked up a few reactions over the course of the day and got several Infra-red experiments out of the way also, so more ticks on the characterization sheet. Didn't get out of there until 7:30 pm, and by the time I got home, had dinner and relaxed, it was time to go back over and prepare my 13Carbon experiment. Printed out the tranny pride triangle thing on the colour printer, and it came up pretty well.
Made an appointment to see Dr S**** on Friday, I want to talk about options for beginning estrogen therapy for the near future. Should be good to see him, it will have been 10 weeks exactly since I started the Androcur course. :)
Have I mentioned this? Krissy is coming down from Queensland for Michelle's farewell and for a few extra days also, so that should be good. Chatted to Szusza on ICQ last night which was good, she wants to borrow some of my photo's which is cool. Chatted to Soba this evening, apparently her mother flew out for England today, so that must be pretty weird for her…
Talked to Mum and Dad on the phone on Sunday night, Mum got the letter and photo which I sent her. She thought it was alright, but thought I should use my own hair, I said it wasn't long enough yet… I mentioned that I was going to get it straightened, and she said "Don't, you'll lose all that lovely volume." My response was "Aaaarrrggghhhhhh!!! I don't want volume, I just want straight hair!" So that was pretty funny, 'cause everyone is always saying how wonderful it must be to have volume, but it isn't! It sucks ass! Grrr…
Apart from that, nothing to much exciting that I remember. I will do a whole bunch of UV-Vis experiments tomorrow, so they'll be tedious. And yeah, not a lot else…
Sent an email to Shirley to let her know I hadn't been arrested by the "Anti-Tranny Coalition" for "Crimes against Masculinity…" *lol*
There are a few people on ICQ tonight, but I'm way too tired to get started on a conversation… Ok, it's 12;45 am and I'm going to bed…See y'all tomorrow… ^_^

*Tired Steph signs off*