10:30 pm Thursday 30th September 1999

Wow, another month has flashed by and is at it's end… Now begins October.
So, the first question is what am I looking at for the month of October and what do I want to achieve. Obviously moving onto the estrogen therapy would be a strong objective I would like to achieve. At the moment I am trying to feminize my wardrobe and locate a "look" which I like. At the moment I am really hanging out to get a gaff, because anything which reveals my crotch area makes me feel very "icky". I will have to pick one up when I am in Sydney next, but Drag Bag keeps funny hours and so it can be difficult. If I get an endocrinologist appointment I will try to schedule it when they are open…
It was interesting looking closely at my face in the mirror yesterday, and I'm sure there have been some changes around the chin area. I'm trying to avoid looking at the moment because I have a week's beard and peeling skin but I'm certain that there are changes occurring. It's not really surprising, but I'm happy to see that it is happening. :)
Ok, today. Woke at 9:15 am and got an email from Nikki asking to do lunch. Got into the lab and puttered about analyzing my carbon NMR spectra. That was tedious, and then I started entering it into the computer which was even more sucky still. Went over to Union court and waited for Nikki. She turned up and went to the bakery. I had eaten a bun for breakfast and hour earlier and so wasn't hungry. Bumped into Paul S****** who was heading back to his place of work and so we chatted for a while till we got to there, and we said goodbye. Nikki and I walked over to the steps across Sullivan's Creek where we sat and chatted for quite a while. Then we walked up to the rowing club and back and over to Union court. I looked briefly through the clothes stall's, but there wasn't anything there and we bumped into Rachel, Nikki girlfriend. We chatted with her for a while and then I figured I had better go back to the lab. She gave me a hug, unfortunately it was a bit strong and right on the spot where I am most tender at the moment. She wasn't to know, but Ouch!
So I got back to the lab at ~2:00 pm. I worked on more of the writing up which was uninspiring, and that was about it. There was a seminar at 4:00 pm, and when the others went down I decided to go into town and look for clothes. I found some Ok stuff at Target, it should be fine for tomorrow. After that I came back via the lab at ~5:15 pm, but the doors had been locked so I decided to go home.
Came home and ate and by 6:00 pm I was so tired I went to bed. I woke up again at about 7:45 pm. Went and chatted to Jules, then I had to go back over to the lab at 8:30 pm. Foolishly I decided to walk, and I got there forgot stuff and had to walk back. Then I found someone had been playing with my bike and had messed it all up, so it took me a while to get that back in order. Then I had to cycle over in the wet weigh out the stuff I needed, set up the second carbon experiment and cycle back as it started raining. Suffice to say I wasn't in a great mood by the time I got home… Organized for Soba to sleep in Jules's spare room on the weekend, so that was nice of Susan and Jules and then came down here and ICQ to Soba. She gets on her bus in about 2 hours (~1:00 am) so she'll be pretty stuffed by the time she gets here tomorrow. And now I've just finished painting my nails with the clear lacquer.
I just had to go down and spray my bike with WD-40 otherwise it would be all seized up by tomorrow because it's all wet…
I'm actually feeling pretty festy because my mouth is all cracked up an because of the beard… *sigh* I can't wait until I get off the Roaccutane and start electrolysis…
I've noticed that my best bet for female clothing is to layer… my chest region is to large for me to wear most female tops by themselves… however, if I wear something over the top, it helps to break up the vast area of space which is my chest or back… unfortunately I haven't found a nice shirt to go over the top yet… also, short tops reveal my crotch area which I usually disguise with a baggy shapeless football jersey… *sigh* Still at least I can get away with dressing like a grrl in her twenties, cause I am! *Yay!* ^_^
Okkie, it's now ~11:45 pm and I have a VERY big day tomorrow, so I think I'll hit the hay… see you all soon. *smile*