12:10 am Monday 25th October 1999

Hmmm… not such a bad day today, maybe that was because I didn't do a single productive thing.
After updating my diary I didn't do very much. I had a nap between 2:30 and 4:30 pm and about that time I decided I needed to get out of the cloying atmosphere of Johns. It was very windy, so I grabbed my black coat and put some socks on (!) and headed off. I didn't know where I was going, so I let my feet lead me… eventually I found I was heading for the center of London Circuit. For those unsure of Canberran topography, it is a part-roundabout, part garden thing which falls on the main road leading to Parliament House. I had never been there, so I sat on a bench overlooking the lake and just mused about things in general. It was still very windy, and after 30 minutes I decided to walk into Civic. I was passing Moose-heads when the weather turned slightly more nasty and so I turned around and came home. I felt cold and a bit wet, but I felt good for having gone out for some exercise and a change of scene. I had some cold pizza and just kicked back. I was wondering what I was going to wear to this Spring-Out opening next week, I think I still need to get in contact with Catherine to let her know I'm available.
So I bummed around, had a shower and decided to attack my wardrobe. It didn't take me too longer to fill a large bag with all my unused clothes and other paraphernalia, Sending that lot home should certainly make moving a bit easier, but now I have a big bag and nowhere to put it… *ho hum*
I chatted briefly with Red on ICQ, apparently her brother was being a real git… surprise, surprise…
Found an old Woroni article on student housing and how terrible or whatever it is, and went to show that to Susan. So I chatted with Susan and Jules for a little while, and they had mentioned that the American girl at our table for brunch this morning had asked when I went to get some toast, "Is that a guy or a girl?" How cool is that. ^_^ To which Lloyd replied with typical style, "That's Steve". *lmao*
So that certainly put a hop in my step. :) After that I came down here and chatted to Soba on ICQ, got a letter from Peta in Bateman's Bay which was very nice and then had a quick talk with Szusza who is having lunch with Nikki tomorrow.

So, like I said today was good, probably because I didn't do anything productive. ;) Tomorrow however is a working day and we shall see how that develops…