I had an interesting encounter this morning as I got in early to work. I was walking down the corridor and one of the lecturer's called out my real name telling me I'd left an email on the printer. Thankfully not anything from my hot-mail account, but that lead into a discussion about my name. I said I was going to get it changed November 8th, and inserted as a remark that "it might cause as many problems as it solves". She asked why, and my brain quickly started to operate on over-time. I eventually explained that I was changing it to Steph, and after a bit more confusion that I was undergoing a lot of changes including physical ones and that it might cause a bit of friction in the department. I said I had tried to prepare people gradually for some big changes, and I think the penny eventually dropped without me having to use the T word. She said that she thought that it was not such a bad place and that most people were fairly liberal and understanding. So, that was a relief.
It seems these days that I find it a bit difficult to talk about anything without some sort of Transsexual influence being there. For example, anytime I go to the doctors, I have to mention my medication. That inevitably leads to why I'm on HRT, and that inevitably leads to talking about my Transgendered status.
Still, today although panic filled at the time was kind of a relief in that work is not so isolated from what is going to happen as it was before.
Mum is always going on about how I don't have to tell anyone at work, and other people say I need to get it out before someone beats me to the punch. I think in the end it's going to be a compromise situation. I'm not as drastically contemplating full-time as I was earlier, but there is going to be the gradual slide into androgyny and then up the other side of the garden path… this will undoubtedly raise some eye-brows, but will not (IMNO) cause any heart-attacks since they're already acclimatized to me already.
At a last straw, explaining the marks which the electrolysis will temporarily give me will hopefully solve any final questions. Demonstrating to the first years next year may be an interesting experience because of the name change and depending on how far the "developments" have come along. ;)
Ok, I totally shagged out… ta ta…
Ok, I admit it, a relationship would be really, really nice. Ok, there are you happy now?! I said it. Dammit I get lonely sometimes… *sigh* Yes, I guess I am human after all (dammit again). It's not a huge deal at the moment, but just now and then someone to hold and be with would be really great. Yeah I know I'm glamorizing relationships at the moment, cause I know that sometimes they can totally suck, but hey it has been an awfully long time between drinks as they say… Screw you guys, I'm going to bed.