11:00 pm Saturday 30th October 1999

You know, I really hate minimalist Techno. It's such a cop out, I'm listening to Triple J's mix up and it's totally bland. I guess I'm being spoilt on Big Beat Techno which never has less than three mixes going at once.
Today was a bit of a mess to begin with. Peta had to do family type stuff and the weather was not fantastic and so the Bateman's trip was put on hold till possibly tomorrow. I have to ring her, but it's late and I'm my usual phone-shy self, so I will leave a message on her mobile. There is a meeting for tomorrow late in the afternoon (4 pm) at Elly's place to work out what is going on for the Spring-out thing.
Ok, after the morning chaos, Red ICQ'd inquiring about a possible lunch option. I rang Susan and Jules and they said OK, so after some laundry and so forth we walked into Civic to meet up. Generic shopping was undertaken after a kebab and I bought a new pair of shoes. Red didn't find anything to spend her money on which was good. We did a stupid prank call to her friend Paul which we felt very bad about afterwards. Red jumped on the 4:20 pm bus and I wandered back to John's. I was totally exhausted and crashed out almost straight away.
I woke up at 8:00 pm and went to talk to Jules. I had some pasta and just kicked back. Susan got back from Data-Call at about 10:00 pm and we just sat around reading. At 11:00 pm I came down here.
So, yeah. Nothing too exciting today. Tonight is daylight savings change over, and tomorrow is Halloween. I've been thinking, I've never actually gone Goth before, I wonder whether I'd be able to pull it off? I have hardly any black in my wardrobe and I'd be grinning inanely, so I think the odds would be stacked against me. ;)
I hate being phone-shy, it's a real hindrance. I'm not even sure why I am. Even with my friends it's like that. With my friends I… I don't want to be a burden upon them. I see what happens to Bridget when she gets lumped with everyone else's crap and I don't want to do that to them, and so instead it tends to build up within me. What builds up? I don't know. I've found Peta the best person I have to talk to at the moment. It's just that apart being gender variant, we gel intellectually and (IMHO) emotionally. But then I don't want to overwhelm her with a torrent of my emotional catharsis. Maybe she will take it in her stride, it's just sometimes that I have a harder time talking to my other friends for different reasons.

Hey, I think I really like these new shoes! It's not that they are amazingly fantastic or anything, but they are nice and I now have options. I'm not stuck between sneakers (lab-wear) or boots (going-out wear). Yay!
So, what other random thoughts do I have bouncing around inside my head? Not all that much.

Ok, lets list some of my faults…
1) Chronic apologist.
2) Phone and socially shy.
3) Puts people on pedestals.
4) Emotionally too intense.
5) High percentage of irrational plans.
6) ?

Hmmm… I'm sure I'll come up with some more later, but that seems a reasonable selection from my point of view.

I remember a quote or song-lyric someone had in their email signature,
"Killing time waiting for the singularity…"
I somehow find it interesting without knowing why and that makes it more interesting.