11:50 pm Friday 12th November 1999

A bomb blowing up, that's how I envisage the end of this year. Not necessarily in terms of violence, but rather in terms of random chunks and fragments of different sizes being thrown in all directions. All the people I have come to know and like (and occasionally dislike) at Johns will be scattered to the four winds. It will be a bit of a bummer I admit, it's not like you can just wander up and see if someone is home. You have to ring and organize and I feel reasonably sure that with the increasing distance friendships will grow weaker, especially for those already on the outer.
Oh well, whatever. I'll get over it. Sometimes I feel I need to make the break and start to look for a new circle of friends anyway. All my current friends know and refer to me as Steve, use personal pronouns of "he" and so on. I'm not sure, I guess I'll have to figure something out.
Ok, today. Woke up 9:00 am, lab at 10:00 am. Nothing too exciting, put on a few reactions and got back a maybe result for a new compound. Had lunch with Red just before her exam and got some stuff which I had ordered. Grabbed some groceries just as it started to rain late in the afternoon. I worked through till about 6:15 pm and came home. Had some cereal, unplugged the phone and crashed out. I couldn't sleep last night (got to sleep about 4:00 am) must have been all the coke (diet that is). I woke up again at 9:00 pm and called home. Told Mum about the name change, and thankfully she seems to take it Ok. Everything seemed to be going well down there in Tumut. Apparently one of the cows had quite literally "blown up". Too much spring clover meant too much gas and eventually Kapow! I found that gruesomely amusing.
Wandered around and nobody seemed to be in tonight, so I went and had a shower and shave which was nice. Cooked some toast and here I am.
Tomorrow is the Canberra Spring-Out march from Garema Place at 12:30 pm down to Glebe Park. Red still wants to go, so I'll ICQ her tomorrow morning for details. Getting this fuzz off my face tomorrow morning will be heaven on earth. Ok, nothing interesting to report, I'm going to crash. See ya!